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Javascript Data Structure

Javascript Data Structure Library
The interface of this library has been influenced by the c++ STL.
This is distributed to npm as 'js_dsal'
This Library is used for

Document Homeage Go Document

Homepage Address Go HomePage


Visualization is developed in other repository
Visualization Repository






Install Library

npm install --save js_dsal

Install dependencies

npm install

Run Test

npm run test

Make jsdoc homepage html

mkdir doc
npm run doc // open the ./doc/index.html


  • List

    Doubly linked list.

  • Stack

    Based on Array.

  • Queue

    Based on circular array.

  • Priority queue

    Based on Array.
    Sorted by Compare function basically descending order.

  • Deque

    Deque extends Queue.
    Based on circular array.
    pop and push method are assumed as private.

  • SetTree

    Red black tree with unique value.
    Identify key with data.
    Sorted by Compare function basically descending order.

  • MultiSetTree

    Red black tree.
    Identify key with data.
    Sorted by Compare function basically descending order.

  • MapTree

    Red black tree with unique value.
    key and data mapping structure.
    Sorted by Compare function basically descending order.

  • MultiMapTree

    Red black tree.
    key and data mapping structure.
    Sorted by Compare function basically descending order.


  • MergeSort

    Sort iterable object in O(nlogn) times. Sorting time almost similar in most cases.

  • QuickSort

    Sort iterable object in average O(nlogn) times. Sorting time is not stable.

  • removeCondition

    remove elements which data or key satisfies the condition in iterable container.

  • unique

    reduce duplicate elements to one in iterable container.

  • findNodes

    This can find several keys at one time.
    It return an array of the matched nodes.

  • map

    This can apply function to data of elements in container.
    It cannot use for set, because set is key and data are equal and is sorted by key.


  • DirectedGraph

    directed graph based on adjacent list concept
  • UndirectedGraph

    undirected graph based on adjacent list concept


Function Tables

Container Member Function Table

Method List Stack Queue Deque PriorityQueue SetTree MultiSetTree MapTree MultiMapTree
(constructor) List() Stack() Queue() Deque() PriorityQueue() SetTree() MultiSetTree() MapTree() MultiMapTree()
compare compare() compare() compare() compare()
[Symbol.iterator] [...List] [...SetTree] [...MultiSetTree] [...MapTree] [...MultiMapTree]
begin begin() begin() begin() begin() begin()
rbegin rbegin() rbegin() rbegin() rbegin() rbegin()
end end() end() end() end() end()
rend rend() rend() rend() rend() rend()
Element Access
front front() front() front() top()
back back() top() back() back()
empty empty() empty() empty() empty() empty() empty() empty() empty() empty()
size size() size() size() size() size() size() size() size() size()
clear clear() clear() clear() clear() clear() clear() clear() clear() clear()
insert insert() insert() insert() insert() insert()
assign assign() assign()
insertOrAssign insertOrAssign() insertOrAssign()
erase erase() erase() erase() erase() erase()
pushFront pushFront() pushFront()
pushBack pushBack() push() push() pushBack() push()
popFront popFront() pop() popFront() pop()
popBack popBack() pop() popBack()
merge merge()
List operations
splice splice()
reverse reverse()
sort sort()
count count() count() count() count()
find find() find() find() find()
contains contains() contains() contains() contains()
lowerBound lowerBound() lowerBound() lowerBound() lowerBound()
upperBound upperBound() upperBound() upperBound() upperBound()
equalRange equalRange() equalRange() equalRange() equalRange()
keyComp compareFunction() keyComp() keyComp() keyComp() keyComp()
toString toString() toString() toString() toString() toString() toString() toString() toString() toString()
copy copy() copy() copy() copy() copy() copy() copy() copy() copy()

Node Member Function Table

Method Node(list) TreeNode
getData getData()
setData setData(data)
getKey getKey()
getValue getValue()
getPrev getPrev() getPrev()
getNext getNext() getNext()

Algorithm Container Table

Function List SetTree MultiSetTree MapTree MultiMapTree
mergeSort mergeSort(List)
quickSort quickSort(List)
removeCondition removeCondition(function) removeCondition(function) removeCondition(function) removeCondition(function) removeCondition(function)
unique unique(List) unique(MultiSetTree) unique(MultiMapTree)
findNodes findNodes(List, key array) findNodes(SetTree, key array) findNodes(MultiSetTree, key array) findNodes(MapTree, key array) findNodes(MultiMapTree, key array)
map map(List, function) map(MapTree, function) map(MultiMapTree, function)

Graph Table

Method DirectedGraph UndirectedGraph
nodeSize nodeSize() nodeSize()
edgeSize edgeSize() edgeSize()
getNodes getNodes() getNodes()
getEdges getEdges() getEdges()
getWeight getWeight() getWeight()
setIterType setIterType() setIterType()
setIterStart setIterStart() setIterStart()
setWeightAddFunc setWeightAddFunc() setWeightAddFunc()
setWeightCompFunc setWeightCompFunc() setWeightCompFunc()
setWeight setWeight() setWeight()
mapWeight mapWeight() mapWeight()
eraseNode eraseNode() eraseNode()
eraseEdge eraseEdge() eraseEdge()
insertNode insertNode() insertNode()
insertEdge insertEdge() insertEdge()
isCycle isCycle() isCycle()
isTree isTree() isTree()
isNegativeWeight isNegativeWeight() isNegativeWeight()
isAllWeightEqual isAllWeightEqual() isAllWeightEqual()
reverse reverse()
disjointSet disjointSet()
copy copy() copy()

Data Structure Operation Time Complexity

Container Search Insertion Deletion Remarks
List n 1 1
Stack n 1 1
Queue n 1 1
Priority Queue N/A log(n) log(n) Access O(1) for the Top
Deque n 1 1
SetTree log(n) log(n) log(n)
MultiSetTree log(n) log(n) log(n) Deletion is different according the number of same key
MapTree log(n) log(n) log(n)
MultiMapTree log(n) log(n) log(n) Deletion is different according the number of same key

Algorithm operation time complexity

Operation Best Average Worst Space
Merge Sort nlog(n) nlog(n) nlog(n) n
Quick Sort nlog(n) nlog(n) n2 log(n)


Template : docdash
Make document command : npm run doc


Style : airbnb


Test FrameWork : Mocha
Test command : npm run test