All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
i.e. <Major version>.<Minor version>.<Patch version>
- Support Debian 12 (bookworm)
- Support call recovery capability (HA) #140
- Support config build as var for kamailio/freeswitch
- Gateway support specify outbound proxy
- Add multiple domain to ngvars
- Remove refsrc out of codebase
- Fix rename outbound interconnection #146
- Specify codecs with sample-rate and ptime #149
- Support simple-contact format (v1.10.11-libre-b)
- Support switching rfc2833 fmtp=0-15/16
- Add capability of overwrite SIP response #150
- Integrate 3rd-party SIP protection service (ClearIP, Youmail..) #147
- Ability to customize preset variables
- Handle nft outbound interconnection
- Ability to generate MOH with libretone
- Remove deprecated script
- Upgrate lib Jinja2==3.0.1->3.1.3, fastapi==0.95.0->.110.3, pydantic==1.8.2->1.10.15, requests==2.31.0->2.32.2, Jinja2==3.1.3->3.1.4
- Add hyphen - into NAME patten #83
- Separate (HA) call recovery capability #141
- Fix UI access layer #121
- Clean unused pipe in get domain-policy
- Set default value for cluster hashmap
- Support enable TLS option for webui
- Switch config var from ansible to by envar
- Fix kamailio syslog format
- Add logging configuration envars
- Consitent log format for multiple stacks
- Liberator log level refactor
- Callng log refactor with nglog
- Fix normalization rule logic revert
- Add GSM codec to support list
- Add progress_time, progress_media_time to CDR
- Add switch built-in log function (logstack default as switch)
- Support embeded system to nglog #135
- EOL liberator provision callng config
- Enhance config provision method from pre-process/include #132
- Single all-in-one docker image #110
- Fix jumps routing table
- Update CaptAgent to 6.4.1
- PreAnswer validation
- Support IPv6
- Fix routing recording typo match key
- Web Admin UI application
- Fix ansible compile codec amr
- Packages and distro label, thanks to @ciscomonkey
- Upgrate lib requests==2.22.0 -> 2.31.0
- Remove starlette out of requirement list
- Additional acl/parse SIP settings
- Force clone bcg729
- Fix clean farendsipaddrs when update intcon inbound
- HTTPR support IPv6
- Reduce FS logs, callng log intergration reserve to Fs
- Update Dev Env
- Unhandling loopback source when sbc under NAT #55
- Support configurable address detection #56
- Unix Socket RDB
- Improper name for intecon:out #64
- Swaping Auth realm updating sipprofile #65
- Inbound unaware/validate manipulation rule #67
- Null Leg Normalize #68
- Enable Local CDR (nice json)
- Support Call Routing via HTTP API
- Example for CDR convertion json-csv
- Support customize CDR file name and interval
- Fix routing block action invalid data #82
- Unable to delete unengaged routing table #80
- Support ignore ealry media to preanswer class #91
- Fix missing function early-media
- Upgrate lib starlette==0.14.2 -> 0.25.0, redis==3.5.2 -> 4.4.4
- Version fastapi starlette agreement
- Fix #36 missing cmake for mod_g729
- Add self logo images
- Ansible lineinfile instead of shell sed #37
- Fix Captagent role misorder #40
- Fix Python pip3 install task missing package #41
- Enhance Deployment role
- API CORS #43
- Fix #51 [Deployement] FreeSWITCH require SignalWise PATs
- Fix #30 Inconsistent socket secret
- Fix #31 Gateway not reload if previous reloaded
- Fix #32 Consolidate sip profile
- Change access username pattern [a-zA-Z]+ to [a-zA-Z0-9]+
- Fix #33 Nil type value if cidtype and not farend
- Fix missing module for kamailio build from source
- Remove total weight distributor #24
- Fix #25 no handle zero weight gateways/distributor
- Maninpualation class api
- Inbound normalization and outbound manipulation
- Add realm for routing vars
- Unlimited/bypass capacity check (lower-bound>=-1)
- Codec AMR-NB, AMR-WB
- Media profile with dtmf mode, media mode(proxy,bypass,transcode), codec negotiation algo (generous, greedy, scrooge), VAD, CNG
- Support distribution algorithm
- Access Layer
- Access Layer Security: Intrudent detecion, Brute Force Prevention, Antiflooding
- Multiple domain - default domain
- Socket indicator
- Firewall Whitelist/Blacklist
- Document update
- ansible role convention
- no remove verbose log input data
- replace local var by NgVars
- use pubsub instead of queue
- from host with hostname after fresh restart
- Fix unintended field for gateways update
- Fix nft empty ruleset
Initial release
- NAT Traversal Capabilities
- Call Party Translatation
- Protocol translations between UDP, TCP, TLS
- Powerful built-in routing engine
- Dynamic Load Balancing, Failover, Distribution
- Topology hiding by back to back user agent
- Encryption of signaling TLS and media SRTP
- Access Control List
- Auto Control Network Firewall
- Resource allocation
- Rate limiting include call per second (cps), concurrent calls
- Traffic Optimization by token bucket and leaky bucket
- Media encoding/decoding SRTP/RTP
- DTMF RFC2833
- Media Codec transcoding: G711A/U, G729, OPUS
- Tones and announcements (Early Media)
- Data and fax interworking
- Flexible JSON for Call Detail Record (CDR), Send CDR to HTTP API, enabling customized/3rd-party usage such as databases, data analysis or billing purpose.
- Network capture support: Live Capture and Intergrated with Homer