This is a port of Lehigh's STAMP suite for libitm.
To compile for Excitevm set the -DEXCITE_VM flag in Makefile.common, otherwise STAMP is compiled for the default ITM methods.
Dependencies: set LIBITM_HOME to the libitm path. (Should be sth like: /home/hlitz/tm-persistence/min-gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libitm)
This repository stores a version of STAMP that has been updated to comply with the Draft C++ TM Specification, as implemented in GCC 4.7 and later.
- inputs/ -- This folder stores the inputs for KMeans, Yada, and Labyrinth
- stamp-0.9.10/ -- This folder stores the original STAMP 0.9.10 source code, without any of the public patches
- tests/ -- This folder stores tests done with vacation and bayes. Please ignore it!
- TRANSACT/ -- This folder contains a version of the code roughly equivalent to that presented at TRANSACT 2014. Please use this version until the README indicates otherwise.
To build with GCC on Linux, type "make" from the TRANSACT folder. We haven't eliminated all warnings yet... please be patient :)
In Bayes, we uses a Taylor series to calculate a TM_SAFE logarithm. This might not be optimal. We also implemented our own TM_SAFE qsort() in shared lib/vector. When testing Bayes, consider using a smaller workload, otherwise it may take too long a time.
In Genome, we have our own TM_SAFE strcmp and hash_sdbm. The former is a performance killer, causing "eager_tm" to run extremely slow. Replacing TM_SAFE strcmp with TM_PURE strcmp will restore the performance for eager_tm, but isn't really safe.