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Business Rules for Motor Insurance / demo app

This is a sample application to demonstrate capabilities of library (Java Business Rules Engine (BRE)/Java Pricing Engine).

The application demonstrates a typical sales path of insurance products, in this particular case Car/Motor insurance. The first step (left panel in this example) customer or agent provides all data required to calculate quotations. Each change in the input data on the left panel (eg. Drivers age/Drivers Sex/Number of accidents in the last 5 years) triggers recalculations for all coverages in 3 pricing options (Bronze/Silver/Gold). There is no need for the "Re-Calculate" button as calculations are made instantly which significantly improves UX for the final customer.

The right panel is completely configured in Higson, all the rules dictating what to offer in that case and for what price. It's done in different ways to show all capabilities of Higson.

You can see an example of making a decision based on parameters (decision tables), simple ones, and also forwarding decision to the next decision table - because this rule engine allows you to stack decision tables onto each other. There are also examples of making a decision based on functions. The Higson allows you to implement functions in Rhino (JavaScript) and Groovy languages. Although everything in the right panel needs to be calculated after a change in the left panel, it works smoothly because of the very high performance of Higson. All the configuration is clear and easy to understand because it is organized in the business domain. Each visible element is modeled as a business object with attributes. These attributes are rules. The sample application calls them and get's a ready decision about what to show in that particular case. After downloading this demo you should start with browsing "Domain configuration" in Higson and all the configuration should be clear for you within minutes.

There is a second similar demo of Higson built around vehicle insurance subject link it differs with data storage implementation. It uses Higson Persistance - dynamic data model. It's another layer of flexibility you can add to your Java application but it is completely optional as you can see in this example and you can use Higson without higson persistance.

If want to learn more about how to use Higson, check the Higson documentation.


Make sure you have at least:

Java 17


To install go to:

Previous Maven versions might work as well but this was not checked.


To install go to:

  1. Windows or Mac OS
  2. Linux

To update:

npm install npm@latest -g

Higson Studio 4.0.2

  1. Go to:
  2. download zip, unpack it to the directory of your choice and run it as described here.


Make sure that both commands mvn and npm are accessible through system path. If not, add them. In file set higson.database.url to point Higson Studio H2 database file, e.g.:


or on Windows



Execute below maven command to run Spring Boot.

mvn clean package
mvn spring-boot:run

Application will be accessible on port 48080. If you need to use other port change it in -> server.port. URL: http://localhost:48080/

Running with Docker

Assuming you have docker and docker compose installed, motor-demo docker image is available on a dockerhub as decerto/higson-motor-insurance-demo:latest.
However, if you want to build this app on your own, we've provided a necessary Dockerfile. Before building the docker image, you need to build the app using the command:

mvn clean package -Pall_in_one

Then, to build a docker image execute the code below:

docker build -t decerto/higson-motor-insurance-demo .

If image is build, then application can be run in docker container like:

docker run -p 48080:48080 \ 
    -e higson.database.url=<jdbc_url_to_running_db> \
    -e higson.database.dialect=<choose> \
    -e higson.database.username=<db_username> \
    -e higson.database.password=<db_password> \
    -e \

Running with Docker compose

Application can be run with bundle-h2-demo and higson-studio images using docker-compose based on [docker-compose.yml](./docker-compose. yml)

docker-compose up   
# or (regarding to docker version)
docker compose up
  • By default Higson Studio will be available at: [host]:38080/higson/app
  • By default Demo application will be available at: [host]:48080/demo
  • By default Runtime REST will be available at: [host]:8081/api ([host]:8081/swagger-ui.html)

Executable war

Enable maven profile "all_in_one" to build fully executable war archive, eg.

mvn clean package -Pall_in_one

The resulting war archive can be executed from shell:


For more details about Spring Boot executables refer to

Configuration files locations

Configuration files are searched for properties in following order (last matching overrides):

  2. file:${user.home}/conf/


If you have any feedback regarding this App or library do not hesitate to contact: [email protected].