diff --git a/content/case-study-foreign-integration-js-browser/index.md b/content/case-study-foreign-integration-js-browser/index.md
index 0022e85..74faa65 100644
--- a/content/case-study-foreign-integration-js-browser/index.md
+++ b/content/case-study-foreign-integration-js-browser/index.md
@@ -44,10 +44,9 @@ main = do
In the above snippet we're creating an `IORef` and pass a callback incrementing it to a foreign function that installs a button in body, counting a number of clicks
(note for brevity I used a multiline syntax that is not yet available for foreign calls). The callback closes over the `IORef` and correctly updates the number after each click.
Callbacks fully enable probably the most fascinating purpose of JavaScript backend, which is web programming. GHCJS has been around for quite some time now,
however it is both outdated (being a GHC fork requiring separate maintenance; currently stuck on 8.10) and cumbersome to use (often necessitating a separate setup, typically through Nix). In one of my previous companies, while evaluating potential options for rewriting the frontend, I decided to use PureScript. It was close enough to Haskell and very easy to set up - it can be installed directly through `npm`, has its own `stack`-like package manager `spago` with a suite of existing bundler plugins, and a blazing fast language server.
@@ -406,9 +405,9 @@ Starting up http-server, serving dist/
Behold, a material button!