- cli scraping application for nitter a popular *twitter mirror
- works for debain/ubuntu/wsl2 and python3
- 01/05/24 - WORKING
# install nitter cli application
pip install nitter-miner
# if youve never used nltk you have to do this its silly but yea
python3 -c "import nltk; nltk.download('all')"
# now you can use the nitter cli app
# default installed to ~/.local/bin/nitter
nitter -q <query> or <query_file>
#nitter-miner: 0.1.0
nitter -q <query: str> xor -qf <query_file: str>
q: string query to search nitter for *for query formats see /query_info.txt
if ur constantly searching the same set of queries make a queryfile.csv
*note the header/first line is ignored.
ex format of queryfile:
the actual query which will be searched isnasa OR spacex OR @NASA OR @SpaceX
*note do not use -q and -qf flags together it will not work also theres no reason to do this
- -p / --pgs: int, max number of pgs to search for query ? 50
- -m / --mirror: str -> which mirror to search ? https://nitter.net/search
- --retweets: flag -> if present wont filter out retweets ? false
- --no-sentiments: flag -> if present wont append sentiments ? false
- --no-save: flag -> if present wont save to a file ? false
>> nitter -q '"mcgill" OR "mcgill university"' -p 50
[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to
[nltk_data] /home/sleepyzzz/nltk_data...
[nltk_data] Package stopwords is already up-to-date!
[nltk_data] Downloading package punkt to /home/sleepyzzz/nltk_data...
[nltk_data] Package punkt is already up-to-date!
[nltk_data] Downloading package wordnet to
[nltk_data] /home/sleepyzzz/nltk_data...
[nltk_data] Package wordnet is already up-to-date!
pgs 1/50
searching https://nitter.net/search?f=tweets&q="mcgill" OR "mcgill university"&since=&until=&near=
pgs 2/50
searching https://nitter.net/search/?f=tweets&q=%22mcgill%22+OR+%22mcgill+university%22&cursor=DAADDAABCgABF_Wn_9hW8WQKAAIX9abby9rQJAAIAAIAAAACCAADAAAAAAgABAAAAAAKAAUX9agjk8AnEAoABhf1qCOTv9jwAAA
pgs 3/50
searching https://nitter.net/search/?f=tweets&q=%22mcgill%22+OR+%22mcgill+university%22&cursor=DAADDAABCgABF_Wn_9hW8WQKAAIX9aVlDpsgwgAIAAIAAAACCAADAAAAAAgABAAAAAEKAAUX9agjk8AnEAoABhf1qCOTv7HgAAA
... **skipping for readme.md but it would go through pgs 4-46 aswell**
pgs 47/50
searching https://nitter.net/search/?f=tweets&q=%22mcgill%22+OR+%22mcgill+university%22&cursor=DAADDAABCgABF_Wn_9hW8WQKAAIX9XJLTpaRRgAIAAIAAAACCAADAAAAAAgABAAAAC0KAAUX9agjk8AnEAoABhf1qCOTuPsgAAA
pgs 48/50
searching https://nitter.net/search/?f=tweets&q=%22mcgill%22+OR+%22mcgill+university%22&cursor=DAADDAABCgABF_Wn_9hW8WQKAAIX9XFuEpcAQwAIAAIAAAACCAADAAAAAAgABAAAAC4KAAUX9agjk8AnEAoABhf1qCOTuNQQAAA
pgs 50/50
searching https://nitter.net/search/?f=tweets&q=%22mcgill%22+OR+%22mcgill+university%22&cursor=DAADDAABCgABF_Wn_9hW8WQKAAIX9W-MNVawWQAIAAIAAAACCAADAAAAAAgABAAAADAKAAUX9agjk8AnEAoABhf1qCOTuIXwAAA
results: 262