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Android Arsenal

OAuth RxJava extension for Android. iOS version is located at this repository.


RxSocialConnect simplifies the process of retrieving authorizations tokens from multiple social networks to a minimalist observable call, from any Fragment or Activity.

OAuth20Service facebookService = //...

RxSocialConnect.with(fragmentOrActivity, facebookService)
                    .subscribe(response -> response.targetUI().showResponse(response.token()));


  • Webview implementation to handle the sequent steps of oauth process.
  • Storage of tokens encrypted locally
  • Automatic refreshing tokens taking care of expiration date.
  • I/O operations performed on secondary threads and automatic sync with user interface on the main thread, thanks to RxAndroid
  • Mayor social network supported, more than 16 providers; including Facebook, Twitter, GooglePlus, LinkedIn and so on. Indeed, it supports as many providers as ScribeJava does, because RxSocialConnect is a reactive-android wrapper around it.
  • Honors the observable chain. RxOnActivityResult allows RxSocialConnect to transform every oauth process into an observable for a wonderful chaining process.


Add the JitPack repository in your build.gradle (top level module):

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }

And add next dependencies in the build.gradle of android app module:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.VictorAlbertos.RxSocialConnect-Android:core:1.0.1-2.x'
    compile 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.0.5'


Because RxSocialConnect uses RxActivityResult to deal with intent calls, all its requirements and features are inherited too.

Before attempting to use RxSocialConnect, you need to call RxSocialConnect.register in your Android Application class, supplying as parameter the current instance and an encryption key in order to save the tokens on disk encrypted, as long as an implementation of JSONConverter interface.

Because RxSocialConnect uses internally Jolyglot to save on disk the tokens retrieved, you need to add one of the next dependency to gradle.

dependencies {
    // To use Gson
    compile 'com.github.VictorAlbertos.Jolyglot:gson:0.0.3'

    // To use Jackson
    compile 'com.github.VictorAlbertos.Jolyglot:jackson:0.0.3'

    // To use Moshi
    compile 'com.github.VictorAlbertos.Jolyglot:moshi:0.0.3'
public class SampleApp extends Application {

    @Override public void onCreate() {

        RxSocialConnect.register(this, "myEncryptionKey")
            .using(new GsonSpeaker());

Every feature RxSocialConnect exposes can be accessed from both, an activity or a fragment instance.

Limitation:: Your fragments need to extend from instead of, otherwise they won't be notified.

The generic type of the observable returned by RxSocialConnect when subscribing to any of its providers is always an instance of Response class.

This instance holds a reference to the current Activity/Fragment, accessible calling targetUI() method. Because the original one may be recreated it would be unsafe calling it. Instead, you must call any method/variable of your Activity/Fragment from this instance encapsulated in the response instance.

Also, this instance holds a reference to the token.

Retrieving tokens using OAuth1.

On social networks which use OAuth1 protocol to authenticate users (such us Twitter), you need to build a OAuth10aService instance and pass it to RxSocialConnect.

OAuth10aService twitterService = new ServiceBuilder()

RxSocialConnect.with(fragmentOrActivity, twitterService)
                    .subscribe(response -> {
                        OAuth1AccessToken token = response.token();

Once the OAuth1 process has been successfully completed, you can retrieve the cached token calling RxSocialConnect.getTokenOAuth1(defaultApi10aClass) -where defaultApi10aClass is the provider class used on the oauth1 process.

                .subscribe(token -> showResponse(token),
                        error -> showError(error));

Retrieving tokens using OAuth2.

On social networks which use OAuth2 protocol to authenticate users (such us Facebook, Google+ or LinkedIn), you need to build a OAuth20Service instance and pass it to RxSocialConnect.

OAuth20Service facebookService = new ServiceBuilder()

RxSocialConnect.with(fragmentOrActivity, facebookService)
                    .subscribe(response -> {
                        OAuth2AccessToken token = response.token();

Once the OAuth2 process has been successfully completed, you can retrieve the cached token calling RxSocialConnect.getTokenOAuth2(defaultApi20Class) -where defaultApi20Class is the provider class used on the oauth2 process.

                .subscribe(token -> showResponse(token),
                        error -> showError(error));

Token lifetime.

After retrieving the token, RxSocialConnect will save it on disk to return it on future calls without doing again the oauth process. This token only will be evicted from cache if it is a OAuth2AccessToken instance and its expiration time has been fulfilled.

But, if you need to close an specific connection (or delete the token from the disk for that matters), you can call RxSocialConnect.closeConnection(baseApiClass) at any time to evict the cached token -where baseApiClass is the provider class used on the oauth process.

                .subscribe(_I ->  showToast("Facebook disconnected"));

                .subscribe(_I ->  showToast("Twitter disconnected"));

You can also close all the connections at once, calling RxSocialConnect.closeConnections()

                .subscribe(_I ->  showToast("All disconnected"));

OkHttp interceptors.

RxSocialConnect can be powered with OkHttp (or Retrofit for that matters) to bypass authentication header configuration when dealing with specific endpoints. Using the interceptors provided by RxSocialConnect, it's a 0 configuration process to be able to reach any http resource from any api client (Facebook, Twitter, etc).

First of all, install RxSocialConnectInterceptors library using gradle:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.VictorAlbertos.RxSocialConnect-Android:okhttp_interceptors:1.0.1-2.x'

After you have retrieved a valid token -if you attempt to use these interceptors prior to retrieving a valid token a NotActiveTokenFoundException will be thrown, you can now use OAuth1Interceptor or OAuth2Interceptor classes to bypass the authentication headers configuration, depending on the OAuth version of your social network of interest.


OAuth10aService yahooService = //...

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
                .addInterceptor(new OAuth1Interceptor(yahooService))

//If using retrofit...
YahooApiRest yahooApiRest = new Retrofit.Builder()


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
                .addInterceptor(new OAuth2Interceptor(FacebookApi.class))

//If using retrofit...
FacebookApiRest facebookApiRest = new Retrofit.Builder()

Now you are ready to perform any http call against any api in the same way you would do it for no OAuth apis.


  • Social networks connections examples can be found here.
  • OkHttp interceptors examples can be found here.


-dontwarn javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter
-dontwarn org.apache.commons.codec.**
-dontwarn com.ning.http.client.**

keep class org.fuckboilerplate.rx_social_connect.internal.persistence.OAuth1AccessToken {
-keep class org.fuckboilerplate.rx_social_connect.internal.persistence.OAuth2AccessToken {



Víctor Albertos

Another author's libraries using RxJava:

  • RxCache: Reactive caching library for Android and Java.
  • Mockery: Android and Java library for mocking and testing networking layers with built-in support for Retrofit
  • RxActivityResult: A reactive-tiny-badass-vindictive library to break with the OnActivityResult implementation as it breaks the observables chain.
  • RxFcm: RxJava extension for Android Firebase Cloud Messaging (aka fcm).
  • RxPaparazzo: RxJava extension for Android to take images using camera and gallery.