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+slug: burr
+title: "Building Smarter Chatbots on Hal9 with Burr: A Step-by-Step Guide"
+authors: [diego]
+tags: [Dragworks, AI, Hal9]
+import ThemedImage from '../../src/components/themedimg.jsx'
+When building chatbots, among many others concerns, one often faces three main challenges: stability, precision, and deployment. In this blog post, we'll explore how a new Python framework, [Burr](https://burr.dagworks.io/), combined with Hal9's capabilities, can make these challenges a thing of the past.
+Why these three matter so much:
+- Stability: A stable chatbot ensures consistent performance and reliability, even when handling complex inputs or high user traffic. Instability can lead to frustrating user experiences, which may damage trust in your product.
+- Precision: AI agents frequently hallucinate, which makes accuracy and relevance critical for deploying applications at an industry-ready level.
+- Deployment: getting your chatbot out of the development environment and into production smoothly is often a challenge. Deployment should be seamless, scalable, and adaptable to your existing infrastructure.
+## Introducing Burr
+Burr is a lightweight Python framework for building tool-using AI agents, simplifying the creation of chatbots that can interact with APIs, databases, or custom tools. With Burr, you can:
+- Quickly prototype, test and debug agents with minimal effort.
+- Integrate external tools and APIs seamlessly.
+- Build multi-step workflows for more complex tasks.
+- Visualize the decisions each agent makes and see how they communicate to each other.
+By combining Burr with Hal9's user-friendly platform for deploying AI-powered solutions, you can build chatbots that are not only intelligent but also robust and production-ready.
+## The Hal9 Advantage
+When you pair Burr with Hal9’s powerful AI deployment platform, you unlock a streamlined path to creating production-ready chatbots. Hal9 makes it easy to:
+- Deploy with Confidence: Transition seamlessly from development to production with minimal friction.
+- Scale Effortlessly: Handle high user traffic without compromising stability or precision.
+- Simplify the Process: Hal9’s platform is designed with accessibility in mind, making it easy to deploy even the most complex agents.
+## Example: Burr on Hal9
+Let's walk through how to build a simple weather chatbot on hal9 using Burr. This chatbot can interact with external tools to provide precise and relevant responses to user queries.
+### 1. Set Up Burr
+Start by installing Burr and creating a basic agent.
+pip install burr
+### 2. Create Tools
+Next, implement a few tools for the agent to use. In our case, we chose to use [OpenWeatherMap](https://openweathermap.org/api)'s API to fetch weather data. Our tools include:
+- `get_current_weather`: Fetches the current weather conditions for specified coordinates.
+- `get_weather_forecast`: Retrieves the weather forecast for the next few days for given coordinates.
+- `get_coordinates`: Resolves a location name into geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) to query the weather API accurately.
+Each of these tools uses OpenWeatherMap's API to gather precise weather information, whether it's real-time conditions or forecasts.
+### 3. Implement the chatbot's logic with Burr
+With the tools ready, it’s time to define the chatbot’s logic. Burr allows you to construct multi-step workflows where agents can dynamically select and execute the right tools. Below is the full implementation:
+Click here to view the full code
+import hal9 as h9
+import json
+from openai import OpenAI
+from burr.core import ApplicationBuilder, State, default, expr
+from burr.core.action import action
+## Import user-defined API functions for the agents to use
+from weather_utils import *
+client = OpenAI(
+ base_url="https://api.hal9.com/proxy/server=https://api.openai.com/v1/",
+ api_key = "h9"
+## Burr actions are encapsulated, stateless operations triggered by state
+## transitions, defined to interact with workflows, models, or external APIs.
+@action(reads = [], writes = ['messages'])
+def user_input(state: State) -> State:
+ prompt = input()
+ message = {
+ 'role': 'user',
+ 'content': prompt
+ }
+ return state.update(prompt = prompt).append(messages = message)
+@action(reads = ['messages'], writes = ['response'])
+def orchestrator(state: State):
+ system_prompt = (
+ "You are a helpful agent."
+ "You work for an app specialized in giving meteorological information to users."
+ "Your task is to decide if the last users query needs to be answered using the weather API."
+ "If so, your reply should only be 'API'. If not, you can reply freely to the user."
+ )
+ message = {'role': 'system', 'content': system_prompt}
+ response = client.chat.completions.create(
+ messages = [message] + state['messages'],
+ model = 'gpt-3.5-turbo'
+ ).choices[0].message.content
+ return state.update(response = response)
+@action(reads = ['messages', 'prompt'], writes = ['location', 'request_type', 'count'])
+def interpret_prompt(state: State) -> State:
+ system_prompt = (
+ "You are a geography expert."
+ "Your task is to find the specific location from where the user is requesting weather data.")
+ ## More left out (big system prompt and response format) for brevity ...
+ response = client.chat.completions.create(
+ model = 'gpt-4o-2024-08-06',
+ messages = state['messages'] + messages,
+ response_format = response_format
+ ).choices[0].message.content
+ return state.update(**json.loads(response))
+@action(reads = [], writes = ['prompt'])
+def ask_location(state: State) -> State:
+ reply = 'The location is unclear, please try again with a different prompt.'
+ print(reply)
+ new_state = state.append(messages = {'role': 'assistant', 'content': reply})
+ h9.save('messages', new_state['messages'], hidden = True)
+ return new_state
+@action(reads = ["location"], writes = ['lat', 'lon'])
+def coordinates(state: State) -> State:
+ info = get_coordinates(state["location"])[0]
+ return state.update(lat = info['lat'], lon = info['lon'])
+@action(reads = ["lat", "lon"], writes = ["weather_result"])
+def current_weather(state: State) -> State:
+ info = get_current_weather(state["lat"], state["lon"])
+ return state.update(weather_result = info)
+@action(reads = ["lat", "lon", "count"], writes = ["weather_result"])
+def weather_forecast(state: State) -> State:
+ info = get_weather_forecast(state["lat"], state["lon"], cnt = state["count"])
+ return state.update(weather_result = info)
+@action(reads = ["prompt", "weather_result"], writes = ["messages"])
+def interpret_result(state: State) -> State:
+ result = json.dumps(state["weather_result"], indent = 2)
+ system_prompt = (
+ "You are an expert meteorologist."
+ "Your task is to interpret the asistants weather response and reply the requested information to the user."
+ )
+ messages = [
+ {'role': 'system', 'content': system_prompt},
+ {'role': 'user', 'content': state['prompt']},
+ {'role': 'assistant', 'content': result}
+ ]
+ response = client.chat.completions.create(
+ model = 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
+ messages = messages
+ ).choices[0].message.content
+ new_state = state.update(response = response).append(messages = {'role':'assistant', 'content': response})
+ h9.save('messages', new_state['messages'], hidden = True)
+ return new_state
+@action(reads=['response'], writes = [])
+def reply(state: State) -> State:
+ print(state['response'])
+ return state
+## Now create the app. A simple as adding all actions,
+## and defining how they are related to each other!
+app = (
+ ApplicationBuilder()
+ .with_actions(
+ user_input,
+ orchestrator,
+ interpret_prompt,
+ ask_location,
+ coordinates,
+ current_weather,
+ weather_forecast,
+ interpret_result,
+ reply)
+ .with_transitions(
+ ("user_input", "orchestrator"),
+ ("orchestrator", "interpret_prompt", expr("'API' in response")),
+ ("orchestrator", "reply"),
+ ("interpret_prompt", "ask_location", when(location = 'uncertain')),
+ ("interpret_prompt", "coordinates"),
+ ("coordinates", "current_weather", when(request_type = 'current')),
+ ("coordinates", "weather_forecast"),
+ ("current_weather", "interpret_result"),
+ ("weather_forecast", "interpret_result"),
+ ("interpret_result", "reply"))
+ .with_state(
+ messages = h9.load('messages', [{'role': 'assistant', 'content': "Hi! 🌤️ I'm your weather assistant. Tell me a location, and I'll share the forecast with you! ⛅"}]))
+ .with_entrypoint("user_input")
+ .build()
+app.run(halt_after = ['ask_location', 'reply'])