- Typescript
- CSS pre-processor (SCSS or SASS)
- Angular > 4.3
- Bootstrap / Material
- Git
Spend the time to find a clean way to solve the tasks, we just want to see how much you know about Angular and how you can use this awesome framework.
- Weather API
- One Question Quiz
- Football Team Organiser
Note. Please have these challenges all in one app using Angulars routing to navigate between them.
- Api Doc: https://openweathermap.org/current
- Api Key: f4bbeb8ec1a8fb95591f2cf112aaa575
Using the public OpenWeatherMap API, you need to build three cards displaying the current weather data for:
- City of London (city_id: 2643744)
- City of Bristol (city_id: 4749005)
- Rome (city_id: 4219762)
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Minimum temperature at the moment
- Maximum temperature at the moment
Default is Kelvin, but we love Celsius so can you change the measurement please. We're interested to see some of your styling skills so please use this challenge to showcase them!
- Create a one question quiz that validates itself and checks the user input against the correct answer. Eg. pizza validates true when typed in an input
Using the data set provided, build a component to allow users to select players from the list and create their ideal Borussia Mönchengladbach starting eleven.
- A user can’t insert a player more than once.
- A team can have no more than 1 Goalkeeper
- The starting eleven needs to include 3 Defenders, 4 Midfielders, 3 Attackers.
The UI should reflect the user choices.