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Secret loader Medium

This project is in relation with the medium article that explain how to preload secret in Cloud Run without changing the application code

The process run a script before running the app. It works only on environment variable. In serverless environment, only Cloud Run is compliant. (and App Engine Flexible, because it's compliant with container)

Test the secret-loader

The test is performed with Cloud Run.

Create a secret

Create a secret into secret manager

echo "my super secret" | gcloud beta secrets create --data-file=- --replication-policy=automatic my-secret

Create a service account

You have to allow Cloud Run service account to access to secret manager

Create the service account

gcloud iam service-accounts create cr-access-secret

Either allow full access to secret manager and can access to all secrets

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding \
--member=serviceAccount:cr-access-secret@<PROJECT_ID> \
--role=roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor <PROJECT_ID>

Or allow the access to a specific secret

gcloud beta secrets add-iam-policy-binding  \
--member=serviceAccount:cr-access-secret@<PROJECT_ID> \
--role=roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor my-secret

Build the test container

The test container only print the environment variable when you call the root URL. 2 versions exists

Build the script version based on gcloud SDK

gcloud builds submit -t<PROJECT_ID>/secret-loader

The file contains a bash script and use gcloud command for loading the secret. The Dockerfile file is used during the build. The latest layer is the gcloud SDK container. It's a big image (700Mb)

Deploy the container

The container must be deployed with the previously created service account and with the secret in parameter

gcloud run deploy<PROJECT_ID>/secret-loader --platform=managed  \
--region=us-central1 --allow-unauthenticated \
--service-account=cr-access-secret@<PROJECT_ID> \
--set-env-vars=super_secret=secret:/my-secret#1 secret-loader

Test the secret loader transformation

Perform a simple curl on the URL and check the environment variable super_secret value returned

curl https://secret-loader.<project-hash>


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