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Releases: grych/drab


25 May 20:26
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  • render_to_string/2 in Commander, a shorthand for Phoenix.View.render_to_string/3

Internal improvements:

  • removed jQuery from core JS code; only Drab.Query and Drab.Modal depends on jQuery
  • module dependencies (Drab behaviour)


16 May 19:40
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The essential of Drab.Core changed:

  • renamed execjs/2 -> exec_js/3, brodcastjs/2 -> broadcast_js/3
  • exec_js/3 returns tuple {:ok, result} or {:error, reason}
  • exec_js!/3 raises exceptions on JS error
  • configurable timeouts for exec_js/3 and exec_js!/3


08 May 17:22
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  • Drab.Browser with browser related functions, like local time, timezone difference, userAgent, redirect_to


  • Drab.Core.console moved to Drab.Browser


04 May 17:29
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Bug fixes:

  • execute! allows string as the method with parameters
  • reverted back the timeout for execjs/2 - it caused troubles a


03 May 20:49
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New features:

  • precompile Drab templates for better performance; user templates are still interpreted on the fly
  • choose the behaviour for broadcasting functions: now may send to :same_url, :same_controller or to user defined "topic". The behaviour is set in the Commander with broadcasting macro.
  • timeout for execjs/2 (and so for the most of Drab.Query functions); default is 5000 ms and can be changed with config :drab, timeout: xxx|:infinity

Tests and Sandbox

14 Apr 14:00
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This release is a hudge step towards Stable version, as it brings automated tests to Drab. Because of its nature (working both on JS and Elixir), most of them are end-to-end (integration) tests. To run it you'll need a chromedriver.

In addition, there is a build-in Phoenix server. Now to play with Drab in IEx, you don't need to create your own Phoenix application and add drab to it, anymore. You can just clone the github repo and run the server on it:

git clone [email protected]:grych/drab.git
cd drab
mix deps.get
npm install && node_modules/brunch/bin/brunch build
iex -S mix phoenix.server

Open the browser, navigate to http://localhost:4000 and follow the instruction in IEX:

import Drab.Core; import Drab.Query; import Drab.Modal; import Drab.Waiter
socket ="0.xxxxx.0"), :get_socket)

Now you can remote control the browser from IEx:

iex(5)> socket |> alert("Title", "WOW!")                                          
{:ok, %{}}
iex(6)> socket |> select(:text, from: "h3")
"Drab Tests"
iex(7)> socket |> update(:text, set: "It is set from IEx, wow!", on: "h3")  
%Phoenix.Socket{assigns: %{__action: :index, .........


16 Mar 19:27
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New features:

  • debugging Drab functions directly from IEx console:

When starting Phoenix+Drab from iex -S mix phoenix.server the following debug instructions appear:

    Started Drab for /drab, handling events in DrabPoc.PageCommander
    You may debug Drab functions in IEx by copy/paste the following:
import Drab.Core; import Drab.Query; import Drab.Modal; import Drab.Waiter
socket ="0.666.0"), :get_socket)

socket |> select(:htmls, from: "h4")
socket |> execjs("alert('hello from IEx!')")
socket |> alert("Title", "Sure?", buttons: [ok: "Azaliż", cancel: "Poniechaj"])

You may use it to debug. Just copy/paste this lines and you may remote control your browser from IEx REPL:

iex(1)> import Drab.Core; import Drab.Query; import Drab.Modal; import Drab.Waiter
iex(2)> socket ="0.666.0"), :get_socket)
%Phoenix.Socket{assigns: %{__action: :index,
   __controller: DrabPoc.PageController, __drab_pid: #PID<0.666.0>,
   transport_pid: #PID<0.1548.0>}

iex(3)> socket |> select(:htmls, from: "h4")
%{"__undefined_0" => "\n  The jQuery in Elixir\n",
  "__undefined_1" => "Async task status: <span id=\"async_task_status\" class=\"label label-primary\">ready</span>",
  "__undefined_2" => "\n  ©2016 Tomek \"Grych\" Gryszkiewicz, <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]</a>\n",
  "tail_dash_f" => "Server-Side Events: Display the Growing File (tail -F)",
  "tens_of_processes" => "Tens of Tasks Running in Parallel on the Server and Communicating Back to the Browser",
  "waiter" => "Drab Waiter"}

More info on

  • display information when handler die, different for prod and dev

More info on

Waiters gonna wait

09 Mar 19:08
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This version gives a new features, such as Waiter, before and after- callbacks. There is also a change in the API, again: introduced singular and plural versions of jQuery select methods. The way how you inject Drab into your Phoenix code changed - now it should be done in your UserSocket to reflect #8

API Changes and Depreciations:

  • API changed: now select(:val) returns first value instead of the list, but all jQuery methods have corresponding plural methods, which return a Map of %{name|id|__undefined_XX => value}
### <span name="first_span" class="qs_2 small-border">First span with class qs_2</span>
### <span id="second_span" class="qs_2 small-border">Second span with class qs_2</span>
socket |> select(:html, from: ".qs_2")
# "First span with class qs_2"
socket |> select(:htmls, from: ".qs_2")
# %{"first_span" => "First span with class qs_2", "second_span" => "Second span with class qs_2"}
  • depreciated Drab.Endpoint; Drab now injects in the UserSocket with use Drab.Socket (#8). Now
    it is possible to share Drab socket with your code (create your channels)

  • moved Commander setup to macros instead of use options

use Drab.Commander
onload :page_loaded
access_session :userid
  • renamed JS launch_event() to run_handler()

New features:

  • Drab.Waiter module adds ability to wait for an user response in your function, so you can have a reply
    and continue processing.
return = waiter(socket) do
  on "selector1", "event_name1", fn (sender) ->
    # run when this event is triggered on selector1
  on "selector2", "event_name2", fn (sender) ->
    # run when that event is triggered on selector2
  on_timeout 5000, fn -> 
    # run after timeout, default: infinity
  • before_handler callback (to run before each handler); do not process the even handler if before_handler
    returns nil or false
before_handler :check_login, except: [:log_in]
def check_login(socket, _dom_sender) do
  get_session(socket, :userid)
  • after_handler, getting the return value of handler as an argument
after_handler :clean_up
def clean_up(_socket, _dom_sender, handler_return) do
  # some cleanup
  • - returns a map of return values of all known jQuery methods
socket |> select(:all, from: "span")
%{"first_span" => %{"height" => 16, "html" => "First span with class qs_2", "innerHeight" => 20, ...

Event-base release

22 Feb 18:20
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  • reload drab events in JS after each insert or update
  • added event object with specified properties to the dom_sender (#6)
  • added debounce function as an option to the event handler (#6)
  • renamed Drab.Config to Drab.Commander.Config

Redesigned Store and Session

17 Feb 16:55
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  • handling disconnects (ondisconnect callback)
  • keep Store in a permament location (browser store) on demand
  • access to Plug Session with Drab.Core.get_session/2


  • a lot