We’re glad you’re here! Let’s get you started in your Lab Sandbox
with a quick README to answer any questions you might have.
It’s preconfigured by Coursera and includes all dependencies
(libraries and packages) to complete your work in Visual Studio Code.
You can practice, run test cases, and work on assignments from your browser.
Learn more about the Coursera Lab Sandbox and how to use the VSCode
sandbox environment (including how to upload and download files)
in the Learner Help Center:
- Read Getting Started with Your Lab for important course-specific guidance.
- Download any assessment or starter files that were included
in the course instructions and materials. You can download most files
by clicking on them. If the file opens in a new browser tab, right click
on a blank area of the browser page and select Save As to save your file locally. - Upload your files into the Lab Sandbox and complete the course work.
- When you’re done, save your work in your sandbox.
- To receive a score for your work within Coursera, follow the course
instructions listed within each assignment. - If you’re working on a Programming Assignment or Peer Review, you can
download your Lab files to your local computer and upload them directly to the
assignment. If you are working on a Quiz, you can use your Lab environment to
complete your work and then select your responses directly within the quiz. - If you have any questions as you get started, we recommend reviewing
Getting Started with Your Lab for course-specific guidance on how to work
with the Lab Sandbox for this course.
You can learn more about how to use the Lab Sandbox environment
and find tips to troubleshoot in the Learner Help Center.
Coursera currently maintains Lab Sandboxes and course instructors don’t
have the ability to modify or troubleshoot sandbox environments.
If you do run into any time sensitive platform issues, instead of contacting
the course instructor and/or staff, reach out to our 24/7 chat support.
in the Learner Help Center. https://learner.coursera.help/hc
Happy learning!