Important Note: This Lab Sandbox enviornment does not have open access to the internet.
If you'd like to use any external assets to help with overall page functionality and design
(ex: images, stylesheets, JavaScript files) please upload these files directly to the Lab Sandbox
enviornment by dragging and dropping them from your desktop to your Visual Studio Code lab.
You can then use relative links from your html file content to access these assets for your site build.
###Viewing your lab files with the live server
1)Click on Go Live icon at the bottom-right of your lab environment alongside the notification (bell) icon. 2)You should see the server starting message -"Server is Started at port : 5500" 3)Click on the Browser Preview Icon from the left menu of the lab environment. 4)A browser preview window should open for you and on the address bar type the URL - localhost:5500/ 5)You should see all your lab files in the browser preview window.
NOTE : Once you've launched the "Go Live" icon for the first time, you'll see this "Go Live" text change to indicate your port number which is live. If you'd like to stop your webpage and restart it again, you can click on the Port number, which will close your server. You can restart again at any time by selecting "Go Live"
###Viewing your lab files with the browser preview
1)Right-click on the HTML file you want to view and copy the RELATIVE PATH. 2)Click on the Browser Preview Icon from the left menu of the lab environment. 3)A browser preview window should open for you and on the address bar type the URL - localhost:8000/lab/<YOUR_RELATIVE_PATH> 4)Your file content will display.
###Viewing your files in the browser tab for full browser dev tools access:
You'll be able to preview your web content using the following path:<YOUR_RELATIVE_FILE_PATH (in a new browser tab for full browser dev tools access).
Input the following "<YOUR_RELATIVE_FILE_PATH" in your URL browser toolbar, replacing with the value you see from the top Lab iframe "Help" icon.
Code can also be placed in an external JavaScript and CSS file. If you do this, just make sure that you've linked the files correctly together, otherwise you might have some issues trying to figure out why your code isn't working.
JavaScript code can appear in the head, or the body of your code, or very often in both.
Luckily, the console can tell you, if it can't find that file and it leads you down the right path to fixing your code.
To link your JavaScript and CSS file to your HTML file, you can pass the JavaScript filename within the <script> </script>
tag, as shown below:
<script src="./FILENAME.js"></script>
Similarly, to link your CSS file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./FILENAME.css">