- Permit anonymous commits - PR #2
- Fix: pipeline that is building, but previously failing, counts as a blocker
- StreamStatus object get_blocker_names() is deprecated, replaced by set_blockers()
- Update comparison page parser to handle new format in GoCD server 16.4
- For good measure, we also test against 16.5
- Fix: pipelines that are building are not complete
- Fix incorrect ancestor groups
- Was being set from ancestors of the base pipeline, not the blocker pipeline
- Fix broken pip install
- Handle stream and parser corner cases
- Switch to dashboard api to retrieve overall status
- cctray did not include paused pipelines
- Switch to Python requests; handles non-api authentication for free!
- Handle corner case of cctray parser
- Realize I neglected the change log!
- Add unit tests with vcrpy, enabling major refactoring
- Refactor graph to instead use in-memory graph db: networkx
- This simplifies and normalizes graph operations; try it!
- Old method is still available, but subject to deprecation!
- Reduce URL hits on the GoCD server
- Only look up failing pipelines; we chack this by hitting cctray.xml
- Parse code comparison and materials changes
- When the value stream is blocked, now you know what caused it
- Initial public release