diff --git a/community/README.md b/community/README.md index 64878a3..761158b 100644 --- a/community/README.md +++ b/community/README.md @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ The Go data science community is committed to being welcoming and helpful, and w | November 19-20, 2016 | [GDG DevFest Siberia](https://devfest.gdg.org.ru/en/) | Novosibirsk, Russia | "Ultimate" Go-based data science training | | November 10-11, 2016 | [Ultimate Data Science Training](https://github.com/ardanlabs/gotraining) | H2O, San Franscisco, CA | Public Go-based DS training | | November 4-6, 2016 | [GopherCon Brazil](https://2016.gopherconbr.org/en/) | Florianópolis, SC, Brazil | Data science talk by D. Whitenack | -| August 25, 2016 | [NSK Meetup](https://golang-nsk.party/) | Novosibirsk, Russia | Data science talk and demos by D. Whitenack | -| August 29 - September 2, 2016 | [GridKa School "Data Science on Modern Architectures"](http://gridka-school.scc.kit.edu/2016/) | Berlin, Germany |Includes an introduction to Go | | September 20, 2016 | [Chicago Ultimate Golang](http://www.meetup.com/Chicago-Ultimate-Golang/events/232867446/) | Chicago, IL, USA |Data science talk and demos by D. Whitenack | +| August 29 - September 2, 2016 | [GridKa School "Data Science on Modern Architectures"](http://gridka-school.scc.kit.edu/2016/) | Berlin, Germany |Includes an introduction to Go | +| August 25, 2016 | [NSK Meetup](https://golang-nsk.party/) | Novosibirsk, Russia | Data science talk and demos by D. Whitenack | +