LastFM scrobbler for chilledcow youtube stream
- Tesseract-OCR
- requests
- opencv
- pafy
- youtube-dl
- numpy
- pillow image
- pytesseract
- pylast
python data_json
- You need a LastFM API. You can apply from here.
- You also need a Youtube Data Api (no OAuth is necessary) here
- The file must be JSON in this format;
"LASTFM_API_KEY" : "sample",
"username" : "sample",
"password_hash" : "sample",
"Youtube_Data_API_Key" : "sample",
"chilledcow_youtube_channel_id" : "UCSJ4gkVC6NrvII8umztf0Ow",
"song_list_google_doc_id" : "1P0p0SfP_BxiG3I4i8MTYakibsdg_O4753EA-I9h3lL8"
- You can generate your password_hash by
- It gets the live youtube video id using youtube api.
- It gets the list of the songs from the google docs file
- It works in the background and scrobbles every song written in the stream until you kill the script.
- To do that it takes youtube link as argument and extracts the stream url.
- OpenCV opens the stream and captures one single frame every 30 seconds
- Image gets cropped
- Remove the background
- Tesseract-OCR reads the image
- Possible mistakes are fixed by comparing the song with the list of songs and finding the best one.
- Send to Last.FM (if it didn't send it already)