Here you can manipulate the position of the header.
You can choose the position of the navigation menu.
Mapache has the facility to have a different color for the header, activate and choose your favorite colors.
You have the facility to choose the color scheme to start by default.
- Now in Mapache you can use a logo exclusively for the dark mode.
- Here you can manipulate the size of the width of your logo, you can use:
- Disable buttons and forms.
- Change the background of the sidebar newsletter
Choose font-sans or font-serif
You have between two options to change the text size
Mapache uses lightGallery library for the gallery
Mapache supports Disqus comments as well as comment counting
First, you will need to get your account disqusShortName*
Facebook and Twitter is not necessary because I use them from the ghost settings
Add the Social Links only for the services you want to appear in the header section of your website. Pay attention as enabling too many services will cause menu problems.
➡️ Dashboard -> Code injection -> Site Footer
var followSocialMedia = {
'youtube': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'instagram': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'github': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'pinterest': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'linkedin': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'rss': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'snapchat': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'dribbble': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'spotify': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'codepen': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'behance': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'flickr': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'telegram': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'vimeo': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'twitch': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'vk': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'slack': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'tumblr': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
'discord': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
👉 For those who are commented it is necessary to add those icons through SVG
It is not necessary to add all the icons. Only the icons you need.
➡️ Dashboard -> Code injection -> Site Footer
<svg aria-hidden="true" style="position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; overflow: hidden;" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<!-- discord -->
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The default search engine will only search the titles of the post
- Go in your Ghost's
Dashboard -> Integrations -> Add custom integration
- Set a name: Choose a favorite name
- Get the Content API Key and replace the demo key with this one
- Get the Api URL and replace in url
➡️ Dashboard -> Code injection -> Site Footer
var searchSettings = {
Mapache comes by default with buttons for changing the language
Edit the following file. ./partials/layout/header.hbs