Problem #1996 (The Number of Weak Characters in the Game | Array, Greedy, Monotonic Stack, Sorting, Stack)
You are playing a game that contains multiple characters, and each of the characters has two main properties: attack and defense. You are given a 2D integer array properties
where properties[i] = [attackᵢ, defenseⱼ]
represents the properties of the iᵗʰ
character in the game.
A character is said to be weak if any other character has both attack and defense levels strictly greater than this character's attack and defense levels. More formally, a character i
is said to be weak if there exists another character j
where attackⱼ > attackᵢ
and defenseⱼ > defenseᵢ
Return the number of weak characters.
properties = [[5,5],[6,3],[3,6]]
No character has strictly greater attack and defense than the other.
properties = [[2,2],[3,3]]
The first character is weak because the second character has a strictly greater attack and defense.
properties = [[1,5],[10,4],[4,3]]
The third character is weak because the second character has a strictly greater attack and defense.
2 <= properties.length <= 105
properties[i].length == 2
1 <= attacki, defensei <= 105
- Java
class Solution {
public int numberOfWeakCharacters(int[][] properties) {
int n = properties.length;
int count = 0;
int maxN = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
Arrays.sort(properties, (a, b) -> a[0] == b[0] ? a[1] - b[1] : b[0] - a[0]);
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
if(properties[i][1] < maxN)
maxN = Math.max(maxN, properties[i][1]);
return count;
- C++
class Solution {
static bool compare(vector<int>& a, vector<int>& b){
if(a[0] == b[0])
return a[1] < b[1];
return a[0] > b[0];
int numberOfWeakCharacters(vector<vector<int>>& properties) {
int n = properties.size();
int count = 0;
int maxN = INT_MIN;
sort(properties.begin(), properties.end(), compare);
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
if(properties[i][1] < maxN)
maxN = max(maxN, properties[i][1]);
return count;
- Python
class Solution(object):
def numberOfWeakCharacters(self, properties):
count = 0
maxN = ~sys.maxint
properties.sort(key=lambda x: (-x[0], x[1]))
for i in range(len(properties)):
if(properties[i][1] < maxN):
maxN = max(maxN, properties[i][1])
return count
- Time:
O(n log n)
- Space: