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Sylvain Abélard edited this page Dec 20, 2019 · 3 revisions

You can use Remark with Hugo easily by creating a content-type layout that injects the raw Markdown of the page into the element that Remark expects. The key is to use .RawContent to avoid changing the Markdown into HTML.

  • a complete working example of this is in this Hugo theme by xaprb
  • there is another example from eueung

For purposes of this wiki page, imagine that you will host your slideshows on your Hugo-generated website, coexisting with your blog and other content.

  1. Create a directory under content, e.g. /content/slides/ for the content of each slideshow.
  2. Create a layout in /layouts/slides/single.html to render every *.md file in /content/slides/ as a slideshow.

The layout's contents will look like the following:

<!-- head content, etc omitted for brevity -->
<textarea id="source">
{{ .RawContent }}
    <script src=""></script>
      var slideshow = remark.create({});

The Markdown file needed to create a simple slideshow might look like the following, in (for example) /content/slides/demo-slideshow/

title: 'Demo RemarkJS Slideshow '
date: "2018-06-02T16:43:02-04:00"
url: "/slides/demo-slideshow/"
class: center, middle
# Demo Remark Slideshow 
## Jony Ives &bullet; WWDC