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File metadata and controls

115 lines (74 loc) · 3.5 KB



This project is a compliment to my article on async communication with database triggers which you can find here.

The basic goal it to show how we can use database triggers to pass events to our application code and do some useful work based on those events.

Getting started

Docker and Docker Compose

This project was created using the following versions: Docker version 20.10.21 Docker Compose version v2.12.2

Install node modules

If you want to be able to recompile and launch the web server on file change then this project requires Node and NPM.

Install the required modules by running the following command in the root directory:

npm i


There are a number of tasks specified in the .vscode/tasks.json file that can automate various things like starting the docker containers and the web server at the same time.

To run a task or collection of tasks open the command pallet (On a Mac the shortcut is cmd + shift + P) type in "run task" and then select the task you want to run.

Pay special attention to the following tasks as they are useful for getting the project up and running:

  • "Start development"
  • "Init outbox DB"

Initialize the DB


Do not run the "Start development" task or start the web server if you have not initialized the database.


This step assumes you have not already initialized the DB. If you have already initialized the DB but you want to start from scratch you will need to remove the DB volume. See the section called "Removing the project containers/volumes" for more info.

Start the database docker container by either running docker-compose up -d in your terminal (omit the -d if you don't want detached mode). Or by running either the "Run docker containers" task or "Start development" task (see the tasks section for more information).

When the DB container is running run the "Init outbox DB" task.

You can use the following query to see some of the seed data:

	orders o
join order_items oi on = oi.order_id
join items i on = oi.item_id
  o.client_id = 2;

Start development

To get started with development run the task called "Start development". This will run the docker containers in the docker-compose.yml and start the web server.

If for some reason you just want to start the web server without the docker containers you can run the following command in the root directory:

npm run dev

Connect to the DB from the terminal

If you want to connect to the DB to run some arbitrary queries or commands using the terminal you can get started using this:

docker exec -it outboxdb psql -d outbox -U postgres

Removing the project containers/volumes

You can remove all the project containers but running this command in the root directory:

docker-compose rm

To remove the outbox DB volume - for example if you want to re-init the db - you can run the following command:

docker volume rm outbox_outboxdb_data

Update orders to "shipped"

If you want to see this code in action you can use Thunder Client request called "update order status" or make a PATCH request to /orders/update using Postman, curl, etc.

Here is an example payload:

  "id": 1,
  "status": "shipped"

If you want to spam the server with updates then run the task called "Spam order updates".