- Primitive data types (bool, int, float, complex, str): properties, methods, magic methods, type casting, truth value testing
- Sequence types: structure, usage, methods, magic methods, subscriptions, slicing
- Set and mapping types: structure, usage, methods, magic methods, subscriptions
- Python data model: objects, containers, relations, equality & identity check, mutability
- Arithmetic operations, comparison operations, boolean operations, special (magic) methods for them
- If statement, ternary operator, while loop
- For loop, range, comprehensions, generator expressions
- Try statement, exceptions
- Function, callable objects, call operator, packing & unpacking, lambda expression
- Namespaces, scope, closure
- Decorators: mechanism, usage, class decorators, method decorators, built-in decorators
- Functional programming elements (overview), functional programming modules (overview)
- Class definition, instance creation and deletion, attribute reference, subscriptions
- Class variables protection, property, descriptor protocol
- Classes inheritance, dataclasses
- Files, context manager (with statement)
- Network: requests, flask, Telegram bots (overview)