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Releases: ghiscoding/aurelia-slickgrid

rebuild to fix CSS

12 Nov 05:19
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  • Some of the CSS seemed invalid for some reason, I just did a rebuilt and republish on NPM and it seem to be
    fixed now.
  • Cleaned up the .npmignore to have a cleaner and smaller NPM download
  • Added a doc folder which will be use for creating the Github demo page

Complete rewrite

11 Nov 21:48
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This is a complete rewrite (2 months in the work) and the dependency changed from Slickgrid-ES6 to the original Slickgrid (6pac fork). Read the README for more details.

There is a lot more documentation in this release, a good place to start is the Wiki - HOWTO Step by Step

If you want to know more about the complete rewrite and breaking change, see the README of the project.

Tweak aurelia-slickgrid plugin for new Aurelia-CLI sample to work

22 Jan 05:36
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  • Tweaked/refactored a few pieces of code to make Aurelia-CLI work
  • Remove SlickWindowResizer & SlickPager from import, since they souldn't be invoked directly
  • Move slick-pager.scss to be with slick-pager.js so that the require css doesn't fail in the bundle
  • Since CLI doesn't support import of images in JS, we can use instead simple variables of their URL (update CLI and Webpack in consequence).
  • Again CLI doesn't support import of CSS, I had to remove them from the Plugins (headermenu) and make the CSS available at all time in the global CSS.
  • Delete all images from dist, since I don't really use them

Add examples, add missing Plugins & renamed `createDatagrid()` to `createGrid()`

19 Jan 05:31
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  • Breaking Change: renamed createDatagrid() to simply createGrid()
  • Add missing Plugins directly in aurelia-slickgrid until slickgrid-es6 resolve it's own bundle issue with the Plugins.
  • Add Aurelia-Webpack sample available in client-wp folder

official first working release

11 Jan 01:45
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This release is the first official working release.
The first few objects you can import are:
import {SlickPager, SlickWindowResizer, SlickService} from 'aurelia-slickgrid';

Examples will come very soon but not today.

Only make slickPager as a globalResources

10 Jan 04:24
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Trying to make the Aurelia-Slickgrid plugin to work. I think that only the slickPager should be a globalResources since that is the only piece with View/ViewModel (html/js)

Changed $ reference to jquery instead of bootstrap

09 Jan 14:05
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changed import $ to jquery instead of bootstrap

Initial release

08 Jan 22:49
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