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Releases: ghiscoding/Angular-Slickgrid

v6.0.0 - jQuery removal

30 May 00:00
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6.0.0 (2023-05-29)

New major official 6.0 release which removes jQuery requirement entirely 🚀🎉⭐

Note Also note that Bootstrap 4.0 still requires jQuery, so you might want to upgrade to Bootstrap 5 if you have not done that yet.

Quick Summary - SlickGrid is now native

Here is our new major (breaking change) version v6.0.0 release, it uses the new Slickgrid-Universal v3.0.0 which dropped jQuery requirement. Also in order to completely remove jQuery, it not only required SlickGrid to be jQuery free but also required us to rewrite the multiple-select 3rd party lib (jQuery based) into a brand new multiple-select-vanilla lib which is now native and has zero dependencies. Now the entire Angular-Slickgrid / Slickgrid-Universal no longer require jQuery (you can still use jQuery but it's now totally optional) and is now using native browser code, this should lower your build size and also improve the grid performance as well.

Follow the Migration 6.x Guide


  • drop jQuery requirement & use ms-select-vanilla dependency (#1150)


Please remember that all packages of @slickgrid-universal (v3.0.0) and Angular-Slickgrid (v6.0.0) must be updated at the same time and they will always get bumped on the same day to avoid any upgrade issues. You can also consult the Versions Compatibility Table - Wiki

please remember that Slickgrid-Universal monorepo now contains the biggest portion of the code (~90%), so most of the commits are now happening on that side.

  1. review the Slickgrid-Universal changelog
  2. and the Angular-Slickgrid changelog (above)


20 May 00:50
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5.6.4 (2023-05-20)

Bug Fixes

  • export: fix negative number exports to Excel, fixes #1135 (f52dc8a)


Please remember that all packages of @slickgrid-universal (v2.6.4) and Angular-Slickgrid (v5.6.4) must be updated at the same time and they will always get bumped on the same day to avoid any upgrade issues. You can also consult the Versions Compatibility Table - Wiki

please remember that Slickgrid-Universal monorepo now contains the biggest portion of the code (~90%), so most of the commits are now happening on that side.

  1. review the Slickgrid-Universal changelog
  2. and the Angular-Slickgrid changelog (above)


23 Mar 03:32
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5.6.3 (2023-03-23)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: update all non-major dependencies to ~2.6.3 (90a2ce2)
  • presets: dynamic columns should be auto-inserted with Grid Presets (8091790), closes #1092


Please remember that all packages of @slickgrid-universal (v2.6.3) and Angular-Slickgrid (v5.6.3) must be updated at the same time and they will always get bumped on the same day to avoid any upgrade issues. You can also consult the Versions Compatibility Table - Wiki

please remember that Slickgrid-Universal monorepo now contains the biggest portion of the code (~90%), so most of the commits are now happening on that side.

  1. review the Slickgrid-Universal changelog
  2. and the Angular-Slickgrid changelog (above)


24 Feb 02:22
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5.6.1 (2023-03-03)


The new feature in this release was to move all TypeScript Types (d.ts) into a single dist/types folder under Slickgrid-Universal which should lower the size of npm download.

Bug Fixes

  • Edit cell mouseout should save & excel copy should work, fix #1103 (295c81c)
  • draggable grouping shouldn't throw error when dynamically changing columns (b0791ec)


Please remember that all packages of @slickgrid-universal (v2.6.2) and Angular-Slickgrid (v5.6.1) must be updated at the same time and they will always get bumped on the same day to avoid any upgrade issues. You can also consult the Versions Compatibility Table - Wiki

please remember that Slickgrid-Universal monorepo now contains the biggest portion of the code (~90%), so most of the commits are now happening on that side.

  1. review the Slickgrid-Universal changelog
  2. and the Angular-Slickgrid changelog (above)


17 Feb 03:21
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5.5.1 (2023-02-17)

Bug Fixes

  • RowDetail: Row Detail extension should work with editable grid (85cde68)


Please remember that all packages of @slickgrid-universal (v2.5.0) and Angular-Slickgrid (v5.5.1) must be updated at the same time and they will always get bumped on the same day to avoid any upgrade issues. You can also consult the Versions Compatibility Table - Wiki

please remember that Slickgrid-Universal monorepo now contains the biggest portion of the code (~90%), so most of the commits are now happening on that side.

  1. review the Slickgrid-Universal changelog
  2. and the Angular-Slickgrid changelog (above)


04 Feb 21:33
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5.4.1 (2023-02-04)

This new release brings a "Select All" across all pages when using Pagination on a local grid (that is when it's not using Backend Services).

Note: the "Select All" will not change its behavior when used with BackendServiceApi (OData, GraphQL) since these services don't know anything from the other pages and IDs, it only has knowledge of its current page. So in that case, it will continue to Select All on the current page only


  • dataView: add option to apply row selection to all pages (e6335be)


Please remember that all packages of @slickgrid-universal (v2.4.1) and Angular-Slickgrid (v5.4.1) must be updated at the same time and they will always get bumped on the same day to avoid any upgrade issues. You can also consult the Versions Compatibility Table - Wiki

please remember that Slickgrid-Universal monorepo now contains the biggest portion of the code (~90%), so most of the commits are now happening on that side.

  1. review the Slickgrid-Universal changelog
  2. and the Angular-Slickgrid changelog (above)


21 Jan 23:08
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5.3.0 (2023-01-21)

Bug Fixes

  • rxjs: make unsubscribe more generic to avoid RxJS update issue (14484ba)


  • filters: update to latest Slickgrid-Universal which provides a new flag to disable special chars input filter parsing


Please remember that all packages of @slickgrid-universal (v2.3.0) and Angular-Slickgrid (v5.3.0) must be updated at the same time and they will always get bumped on the same day to avoid any upgrade issues. You can also consult the Versions Compatibility Table - Wiki

please remember that Slickgrid-Universal monorepo now contains the biggest portion of the code (~90%), so most of the commits are now happening on that side.

  1. review the Slickgrid-Universal changelog
  2. and the Angular-Slickgrid changelog (above)

v5.2.2 - Excel Export Custom Styling & Format

22 Dec 01:29
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5.2.2 (2022-12-23)

This new release brings a lot of improvement on the Excel export feature, it will now auto-detect the correct cell format to use for a lot of column type. It is mostly helpful with column of type number, however please note that column Date type will be exported as string (not as Date type) even if exportWithFormatter (unless it is specifically set to false) the reason is because of complexity to implement in code, however that should be easy enough for the user to convert it himself. The next big thing, which is also for Excel export, is that we can now customize each column Excel cell styling & custom format (note that doing this would override any auto-detected Excel format).

Excel Custom Styling & Format Live Demo and Excel Custom Styling Wiki

Thanks to @austinsimpson for getting this feature started

Happy Holidays ⭐🎁🎄


  • exports: add auto-detect and Excel custom cell (column) styling (5413e94)

Bug Fixes

  • styling: make Grid Menu item full width instead of max-content (b79a6ae)
  • common: cell selection in Firefox not working (45c5791)


Please remember that all packages of @slickgrid-universal (v2.2.2) and Angular-Slickgrid (v5.2.2) must be updated at the same time and they will always get bumped on the same day to avoid any upgrade issues. You can also consult the Versions Compatibility Table - Wiki

please remember that Slickgrid-Universal monorepo now contains the biggest portion of the code (~90%), so most of the commits are now happening on that side.

  1. review the Slickgrid-Universal changelog
  2. and the Angular-Slickgrid changelog (above)

Release 5.1.3

08 Dec 23:18
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5.1.3 (2022-12-08)

Bug Fixes

  • pinning: cols reorder & freezing shouldn't affect order (a81f92a)
  • sorting: update Slickgrid-Universal, fixes date sort shuffling (4f70ada)


Please remember that all packages of @slickgrid-universal (v2.1.3) and Angular-Slickgrid (v5.1.3) must be updated at the same time and they will always get bumped on the same day to avoid any upgrade issues. You can also consult the Versions Compatibility Table - Wiki

please remember that Slickgrid-Universal monorepo now contains the biggest portion of the code (~90%), so most of the commits are now happening on that side.

  1. review the Slickgrid-Universal changelog
  2. and the Angular-Slickgrid changelog (above)

v5.1.2 - styling issue and draggable grouping fixes

02 Dec 04:30
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Bug Fixes

  • addons: onGroupChanged callback should be executed with Draggable (ff08f4b)
  • core: grid service resetGrid method wasn't always resetting (a5bf5f1)


Please remember that all packages of @slickgrid-universal (v2.1.2) and Angular-Slickgrid (v5.1.2) must be updated at the same time and they will always get bumped on the same day to avoid any upgrade issues. You can also consult the Versions Compatibility Table - Wiki

please remember that Slickgrid-Universal monorepo now contains the biggest portion of the code (~90%), so most of the commits are now happening on that side.

  1. review the Slickgrid-Universal changelog
  2. and the Angular-Slickgrid changelog (above)