is a puppet module to create Sensu checks.
These are special Sensu checks, that are designed to operate with the
Yelp sensu_handlers
, for multi-team environments.
The monitoring_check
definition allows applications to define their behavior,
including how noisy they are, which teams get notified, and how.
# Page if operations if cron isn't running
monitoring_check { 'cron':
alert_after => '5m',
check_every => '1m',
page => true,
team => 'operations',
runbook => 'http://lmgtfy.com/?q=cron',
command => "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_procs -C crond -c 1:30 -t 30 ",
require => Class['cron']
Please see init.pp
for a full list of parameters. They are documented
in the standard puppet doc format.
By default, monitoring_check will expose the Team Data as JSON in
by accessing the team_data
key. This file is
designed to be used by non-puppet clients, to help with validation.
However, it could potentially contain sensitive information. It can be disabled by
setting monitoring_check::params::expose_team_data
to false.
Note: Team data is always exposed on the sensu-server.
This wrapper only works with the Yelp handlers. The secret is that a sensu check can declare arbitrary key-value pairs in its event data.
Then, the special handlers can pick up these key-values and make decisions based on them.
For example, monitoring_check
can set a notification_email
entry, and
the Yelp email handler can pick up on this entry and send emails specifically
to the specified email address.
Contrast this with traditional sensu handlers, where the destination email address is configuration the handler, not the check.
Apache 2.
Open an issue or fork and open a Pull Request
Please do not attempt to use monitoring_check
without Yelp's sensu_handlers
unless you intend to write your own custom handlers.