- Add way to remove one message at a time.
- Took over from the previous author because he doesn't maintain the project anymore.
- Add fail state
- Fix issue with SMS state handler
- Update dart version
- Fix issue with
on error
- Multi SIM card support
- Fix permission error when sending SMS on Android O and above
- Fix permission error on Android M and above
- Error on contact lookup because of unknown size fixed
- Error in Android 4.x because of missing permission 'READ_PROFILE' fixed
- Updated Flutter environment sdk to ">=1.19.0 <2.0.0"
- Example app code refactoring
- Photo and thumbnail of a contact get loaded with the contact, no need to request them later.
- Example app UI slightly enhanced.
- Sms Delivery with Dart Streams and Event Channels
- Fixed some minor errors
- Fixed error on User Profile. The method 'getUserProfile()' will always return an instance of UserProfile even when no user profile configured in the device.
- Fixed error in SmsThread.findContact when first message is a draft.
- Sms Delivery
- Automatically assign contact to created SmsThread
- Small fix for 'date' and 'dateSent' of SmsMessage
- Fixed error on multiple permissions requests
- Get basic User Profile info.
- Fix gradle build
- backward compatibility for Contact (pull request #1 by joanpablo)
- SmsReceiver creates all needed field
- Add basic contact support
- Small fix for SMS thread
- Implementation of SMS thread
- Support for dart < 2.0.0
- Better query for SMS, now you can query by multiple kind instead of only one.
- Better handling of permissions
- Implementation of SmsQuery
- Implementation of SmsSender
- Implementation of SmsReceiver.