Control Philips Hue lights with Haskell.
To get started, import the Hue
- Lights
- Get all lights
- Get new lights
- Search for lights
- Get light attributes/state
- Rename lights
- Set light state
- Delete light
- Groups
- Get all groups
- Create group
- Get group attributes
- Set group attributes
- Set group state
- Delete group
- Schedules
- Scenes
- Sensors
- Get all sensors
- Get new sensors
- Search for sensor
- Get sensor attributes/state/config
- Set sensor attributes/state/config
- Rename sensor
- Delete sensor
- Rules
- Configuration
- Resourcelinks
- Capabilities
runHue $ do
ls <- lights
traverse (setLight on) ls
Slowly change a lights' color:
colorShift = do
Just l <- lightWithName "light-on-my-desk"
forever $ do
setLight (on <> increaseHue 1000 <> increaseSaturation 32) l
liftIO $ threadDelay 500000
Change the state of multiple lights:
allLightsOn = lights >>= traverse (setLight on)
someLightsOn = do
ls <- catMaybes <$> traverse lightWithName ["Desk", "Couch", "Kitchen"]
traverse (setLight (on <> brightness 100)) ls
Change the display name:
renameTo name newName = do
Just l <- lightWithName name
renameLight l (LightName newName)
Perform an alert
doAlert name = do
Just l <- lightWithName name
setLight (alert MultipleCycles) l
Interactive auto discovery is provided by Hue.Config
Example with GHCi:
> stack ghci
λ import Hue.Config
λ let conf = getHueConfig
λ configIP <$> conf
It seems like there is no configuration present.
Searching for bridge, this may take a minute...
Found bridge with id: 0017881717c1
Push the button on your bridge.
BridgeIP {ipAddress = ""}