Before running this project, I'd like to list some pre-requisites below which are required to have:
1)Behat and Mink implementation
2)Selenium webdriver implementation
3)Chromedriver.exe & selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59
- Click on clone or download button and again click on "Download ZIP"
- Unzip the project folder .
- In project folder ,Copy the "Simple-behat-test" folder.
- Move it in your behat folder in C drive.
- Open command prompt and run "java"d:\Selenium\chromedriver.exe" -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar" .Please note that you will need to change the folder name and drive as per created in your sysytem .
- Now , Open command prompt in another window and get into Simple-behat-test folder using cd command.
- Once you are in Simple-behat-test folder , Run the feature using ..\vendor\bin\behat command .
I have created scenarios for three feature : Login for 5 user accountts , Newsletter subscription and Flight search and Search results.
As i wasn't able to find Featured tour displayed under the Featured Tours section on the homepage.I couldn't automated the scenarios for the same. Provided link is also broken.
Please note : It has been observed that site sometimes break and scenarios get failed due to this.Also ,User accounts get expired.In case of login scenario fail , you will need to create user accounts and then run the feature.