The extensions below explore advanced features of AKS (Kubernetes) and additional open source solutions. Each extension (or sub-project) describes a particular use case and details the steps for implementing a potential solution using an advanced feature/capability.
Ingest Claims records using KEDA
In this sub-project, a generic Claims Web API is used to persist Claims data in the backend SQL Server database in a guaranteed manner. The generic Web API uses Azure Service Bus Queues to reliably ingest claims data into the backend data store. Azure Function Apps are used to expose the generic Claims Web API and for persisting the Claims data in the data store via the Claims Web API (implemented in the parent project). The solution details the steps for running Azure Function Apps on AKS and using Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaling to process messages (claims records) at event driven scale in Kubernetes.
Inject Azure Key Vault Secrets using AAD Pod Identity
In this sub-project, secrets stored in Azure Key Vault are fetched and injected inside the Claims Web API application container at runtime. The project makes use of two open source projects - AAD Pod Identity and Azure Key Vault Kubernetes Flex Volume. Storing application secrets in Azure Key Vault provides a secure alternative to storing them in standard Kubernetes Secret API objects on the etcd server. The secrets stored in Key Vault never come to reside on the nodes and are directly injected into the application container at runtime.
Access Azure SQL using Managed Identity for Azure Resources
In this sub-project, the Claims Web API application uses an Azure Managed Identity to access the Azure SQL Database. Managed Identities for Azure Resources is a feature of Azure Active Directory. With Managed Identity, applications deployed on Azure PaaS Services can securely access other Azure resources that support AD authentication. Most importantly, the applications do not have to store any credential information. This project extension also makes use of AAD Pod Identity.
Explore advanced features of Istio Service Mesh
This sub-project examines the advanced features supported by Istio Service Mesh. Features such as intelligent request/traffic routing, traffic splitting (a.k.a Canary rollouts), request timeouts, circuit breaking, fault injection, secure intra-pod communication, rate limiting and others are explored in greater depth and detail.
Deploy Claims API to Azure Stack Edge
In this sub-project, we will deploy the same Claims Web API to the Kubernetes cluster on Azure Stack Edge (ASE). The container is built on a Ubuntu virtual machine on ASE and pushed to the private edge container registry on ASE. Once the API is deployed, we will also deploy an API Management self-hosted gateway to the Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster and publish the Claims API in APIM.