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Notes on ALPSCore development

Custom types in Accumulators

The mean_type<A> "meta-returns" double if value_type<A> returns an integral type (that is, boost::is_integral<value_type<A>::type is a true type); otherwise, it is defined to return value_type<A>. So, for an accumulator of custom_type the mean_type returns the ``custom_type`. Ok.

Next: tries to convert B::count() result to alps::hdf5::scalar_type<mean_type>>::type. So, we need a specialization of the trait scalar_type<T>, which is in alps/hdf5 include directory --- used for serialization. The implicit assumption here is that scalar_type<T> (let's call it ST) is something that can hold the count, and that can be a divisor for type T to obtain the mean, which is of type T itself. That is, ST x=int() is valid, and T==T/ST.

Next: operator<< must be defined, to output the value of custom_type.

Next: custom_type operator*(const custom_type&, const ST&) should be defined, with the semantics of custom_type sum = custom_type(mean) * ST (that is, multiplication should be inverse of division).

Suggestion: instead of hdf5::scalar_type (which has a meaning of "underlying data storage type") there should be accumulators::scalar_type or numeric::scalar_type with the meaning of "type that can be used for invertible scaling". The corresponding test would be the invertibility of * and /.

Next: serialization (for MPI). At minimum, we need to iterate over all elements of the custom_type. (Otherwise, we should specialize the trait hdf5::is_continuous<???> --- and other traits).

How MPI (in this case, collective_merge()) works? Suppose, the data type is T (custom_type in my case). Suppose, typedef hdf5::scalar_type<T>::type ST.

# reduce_if(comm, arg=T(value), res=value, op=std::plus<ST>(), root) is called. # The ST type should be C++ scalar (boost::is_scalar<ST> is true_type), otherwise exception is thrown. # alps::mpi::reduce(comm, arg, res, op, root is called. # reduce_impl(comm,in_val=arg,out_val=res,op,root, is_scalar=boost::is_scalar<T>::type(), is_cont=hdf5::is_content_continuous<T>::type() ) is called. # If T is scalar, then is_cont is ignored and boost::mpi::reduce() is called. # If is_scalar==false_type, but is_cont==true_type (continuous type), then:

# hdf5::get_extent(in_val) is used to inquire the extents; # hdf5::set_extent(out_val, ext) is used to set the target extents; # boost::mpi::get_mpi_datatype(ST()) is used to inquire the MPI equivalent of the underlying scalar datatype; # hdf5::get_pointer(in_val), hdf5::get_pointer(out_val) are used to get the pointers to the continuous data areas; # MPI_Reduce() is called.

# If is_scalar==false_type and is_cont==false_type (discontinuous type), then:

# hdf5::is_vectorizable(in_val) is inquired. If false, an exception is thrown; # Like above, get_extent(in_val) etc. # Allocate std::vector<ST> of the proper length. # call copy_to_buffer(....) # Like above, call set_extent(out_val,...). # call copy_from_buffer(...).

Those copy_to_buffer(), copy_from_buffer() work recursively on vectorizable objects down to vectors of scalars.

In our particular case, Eigen's matrices has continuous storage --- so, we should just declare custom_type to be continuous (otherwise, it is expected to be vectorizable).

Next: implement save() and load().

Next: Arithmetic operators. It is possible to declare them as friends to a base class, define them there (to throw an exception), then inherit from this class. It works, but then it would probably be not possible to redefine the operators to do anything sensible.

mean.hpp defines arithmetic operators with scalar RHS by casting the scalar to alps::element_type<mean_type>::type. It is confusing: it assumes that the data type in question consists of elements of the math-scalar type --- which is not necessarily the case. It should be, again, numeric::scalar_type. Generally, all uses of element_type are suspects for replacing to numeric::scalar_type!

The element_type<T> metafunction returns T::value_type if defined, otherwise T. For now, let's just introduce value_type in the custom_type.

Next: we have a call like base_wrapper<custom_type>(lhs) AUGOP base_wrapper<custom_type::value_type>(rhs), which is not defined --- because the metafunction wrap_value_type<X> does not return the correct result for our custom_type. We have to redefine the metafunction to return base_wrapper<numeric::scalar_type<X>::type> (for now, let it use element_type instead). This can be achieved by checking for non-scalar type (that is, the type T whose scalar_type<T> is not the same as T).

Problem: alps::has_value_type<custom_type> returns false_type, because, apparently, when it is first instantiated, custom_type is declared but not yet defined, and therefore does NOT have value_type member. Workaround: the custom type should be fully defined before including any ALPSCore files. Inconvenient. :(

We might be able to circumvent this by postponing the corresponding instantiations.

Next: Problems with Result<...>::scalar_result_type. We should do the same as we did with wrap_value_type: let it return the type based on numeric::scalar_type (which is element_type for now). But i will run into problems with vector_result_type: who said that "non-scalar" is a vector?? (This is fixed now).

Sometimes we need operators (for custom_type x; scalar_type s;) like s+x and s-x. Let us assume and require that the custom type is mathematically sane, that is:

s + x = x + s s - x = -x + s s * x = x * s s * x * y = x * y * s

Question: how at all error bar behaves when multiplying non-commutative values?

Next: alps::numeric::inf<custom_type>: the notion of the "infinite value". This template must be specialized in the alps::numeric namespace. It is returned when the error bar cannot be determined because there are not enough bins.

It is also returned when there is not enough bins to establish the autocorrelation value --- which brings up a question: is autocorrelation value for a matrix-valued function also a matrix?

The alps::numeric::inf<custom_type> is expected to be default-constructible, and implicitly-convertible to custom_type.

Next: alps::numeric::set_negative_0(T&). ALPSCore mistakes custom_type for a sequence (is_sequence<custom_type> is true_type), because of custom_type::value_type. It has to be explicitly declared as not a sequence.

This set_negative_0() sets its argument to 0 if it is negative. What does it mean for a matrix to be negative, and why is it needed? Answer: for matrices, we are doing element-by-element operations.

Problem: pointers to the math functions, like sin(custom_type), if declared as friend-functions to a parent class, cannot be looked up properly. Therefore, we have just to move them in the namespace proper. Moreover, those functions must expect custom_type rather than const custom_type& --- which is OK, since most probably a copy will be needed... (Needs checking: is it optimized properly?)

Next: bumped into the problem that the jacknife machinery is private. Inside the call of Result<custom_type,...>::transform(...Result<double,...> arg...) it tries to call arg.generate_jacknife(), which is private. Let's just make it public for now, and hide member variables behind accessors.

There are numerous places, related to MPI reduction, where element_type<custom_type> or hdf5::scalar_type<custom_type> is used. It is a tricky question which needs further investigation: can it always be replaced with numeric::scalar<custom_type>? In practical terms, for now these two types must (most probably) be the same, because, the way MPI reduction is implemented, sum of two objects is a sum of its elements. On the other hand, numeric::scalar<T> is used for scaling (multiplication & division), while hdf5::scalar_type<T> is involved in MPI reduction (summation) --- so, they can be distinct.

Semantics (all are in namespace alps::):

  • hdf5::scalar_type<T>: the "constituent" type of T; the type of the

elements of the underlying data structure. Used for saving/loading and MPI reduction. The same as T by default.

  • is_sequence<T>: true_type if T is a sequence. By default, true if T::value_type exists.
  • numeric::scalar<T>: the "mathematical scalar" of T; the type

of the thing that can be used to scale values of T. Used for arithmetic operations on T. I made it the same as element_type<T> by default.

  • average_type<T>: the type that can hold average value of several T values.
  • element_type<T>: defined as T::value_type if it exists;

otherwise, it's T. Used to define slices of sequences and the covariance type. Access to a slice of a sequence returns its element_type.

  • covariance_type<T>: matrix of average types of

element<T>::type if T is a sequence, otherwise average_type<T>. Outer product of two sequences returns covariance_type.

This means that if custom_type is not a sequence, its element_type must be custom_type!

Multiplication operator*(custom_type, custom_type) is used for error calculation (in error feature and in binning_analysis feature). How should it behave for matrix types? Emanuel's answer: "always element-wise". In this case, should all supported type be "sequences"?

If custom_type is a sequence, it is used to define set_negative_0() (as a loop over elements of the sequence), and checked_divide() (as a loop). Also, the following traits are to be defined for the sequence type T:

  • Function size(const T& seq) (default: seq.size());
  • Metafunction covariance_type<T> (default: boost::numeric::ublas::matrix of average-type of element_type<T>::type);
  • Function covariance_type<T>::type outer_product(T a, T b) (default: UBlas matrix, outer product of a and b regarded as vectors); used in max_num_binning.hpp, in Result<...>::covariance() and in Result<...>::accurate_covariance().
  • Metafunction slice_index<T> (default: std::size_t);
  • Function std::pair<slice_index<T>::type, std::pair<slice_index<T>::type> slices(const T& seq) (default: returns a pair of 0, seq.size()); used in binning_analysis.hpp in Accumulator<...>::converged_errors() method.
  • Function element_type<T>::type slice_value(const T& seq, unsigned i) (default: checks the size, returns seq[i]` or default element value); used in binning_analysis.hpp in Accumulator<...>::converged_errors() method.
  • Function element_type<T>::type& slice_value(T& seq, unsigned i) (default: returns seq[i]); used in binning_analysis.hpp in Accumulator<...>::converged_errors() method.
  • Functor class slice_it<T> with the method element_type<T>::type operator(const T& seq, slice_index<T>::type i) (default: returns slice_value(seq,i)). Is not used anywhere.
  • Function T checked_divide(T a, const T& b) (default: element-wise checked_divide()); not used anywhere.
  • Function void check_size(T& a, const T& b) (default: do a.resize(b.size()), specialized for vectors to resize a zero-sized a, otherwise throw); used in several places, e.g. when a value is added to an accumulator.
  • Function void set_negative_0(T&) (default: set each negative element to 0); used in binning_analysis.hpp in Accumulator<...>::autocorrelation() method.

The default implementations of these traits assume that seq.size() returns the size of the sequence, and that seq[i] returns the i-th element of the sequence.

It seems that an Eigen's matrix should be a sequence, then: especially because of a covariance type.

Interestingly, operator+=(custom_type,scalar) is not needed for the program to compile. Apparently, the corresponding operation on results is defined via operator+.

Relationships between various types

Named accumulators: FullBinningAccumulator<double>.
  • Can be added to accumulator_set (aka impl::wrapper_set<accumulator_wrapper>).
  • Contains a name
  • Contains wrapper holding shared_ptr<accumulator_wrapper>.
  • Contains a type accumulator_type which is a type of the corresponding "raw accumulator".
  • Contains a type result_type which is a type of the corresponding "raw result".
  • Operator << calls (*wrapper) <<, that is, calls << on the containing accumulator_wrapper.

The mapping between the "named" accumulators and "raw" accumulators' feature tags:

MeanAccumulator : mean_tag, count_tag
NoBinningAccumulator : error_tag, mean_tag, count_tag
LogBinningAccumulator : binning_analysis_tag, error_tag, mean_tag, count_tag
FullBinningAccumulator : max_num_binning_tag, binning_analysis_tag, error_tag, mean_tag, count_tag
Accumulator|Result sets:
  • Basically, a map containing shared pointers to accumulator_wrapper | result_wrapper.
  • Access operator operator[](name) returns a reference to accumulator_wrapper | result_wrapper.
Accumulator|Result wrappers (accumulator_wrapper | result_wrapper):
  • Contains a variant of shared_ptr< base_wrapper<T> >, where T runs over all supported data types,
  • The pointer actually points to derived_accumulator_wrapper<A> | derived_result_wrapper<A>. QUESTION: where does it take its value from??
  • Supports mean(), error() methods, as well as arithmetic methods.
  • Operator << calls operator().
  • The method calls (including operator()) are forwarded via virtual methods of base_wrapper<T> to the object actually held in the variant.
  • Supports method A& extract<A>() returning underlying raw accumulator|result A.
  • There are free functions extract<A>().

The base_wrapper<T> class (where T is one of the supported data types) inherits from the chain of impl::BaseWrapper<T,F,B> where F is a "feature tag" and B is a base class (next in chain). At the end of the chain is detail::value_wrapper<T>, which contains only definition of value_type as T.

Both derived_accumulator_wrapper<A> and derived_result_wrapper<A> inherit from derived_wrapper<A>.

The derived_wrapper<A> class inherits from the chain of impl::DerivedWrapper<T,F,B> where F is a "feature tag" and B is a base class (next in chain). At the end of the chain there is detail::foundation_wrapper<A>, which inherits from base_wrapper<value_type<A>::type>.

To check whether a given value of accumulator_wrapper related to a particular named accumulator:

using namespace alps::accumulators;
#define SomeNamedAccumulator FullBinningAccumulator<double> /* or some other named accumulator */
// Suppose we have a set of measurements mset:
accumulator_set mset;
mset << SomeNamedAccumulator("name");
// Obtain the wrapper object by name:
const accumulator_wrapper& acc=mset["name"];
// Try to extract the raw accumulator:
try {
} catch (std::bad_cast&) {
    std::cerr << "acc does not wrap SomeNamedAccumulator or its subclass";

Adding a new method to result_wrapper

How does result_wrapper::error<U>() work?

Methods like result_wrapper::error<U>() use visitor to operate on value of type shared_ptr<X> determined by meta-predicate detail::is_valid_argument< error_type<X>::type, U>, where X is base_wrapper<T>. The error_type<X> is defined (as the "identical" subclass of mean_type<X>) in error.hpp. The mean_type<X> is value_type<X>::type (if the latter type is not integral, otherwise double).

The metafunction value_type<X> returns X::value_type.

Therefore, the metafunction error_type<X> returns X::value_type, which is inherited through the chain of impl::BaseWrapper<T,F,B> from detail::value_type<T> to be T.

The meta-predicate detail::is_valid_argument<error_type<X>::type, U> therefore compares between two datatypes: detail::is_valid_argument<T,U>, where T is the underlying datatype of the result_wrapper<T>, and U is the template argument in the call error<U>().

How can we add result_wrapper::autocorrelation<U>()?

The visitor classes are generated using macro ALPS_ACCUMULATOR_PROPERTY_PROXY(method,return_type). In our case, the return_type is autocorrelation_type; this macro then generates call to metafunction autocorrelation_type (autocorrelation_type<X>::type). Therefore, we need a metafunction autocorrelation_type<X> that returns X::autocorrelation_type -- and it is there, in binning_analysis.hpp, and is visible. This part works.

Then, X::autocorrelation() method is called (that is, base_wrapper<T>::autocorrelation()), which compiles, finding the (pure virtual!) method in one of its parent classes, impl::BaseWrapper<T,binning_analysis_tag,B>. It must get dispatched to derived_result_wrapper<A>::autocorrelation(), which finds the method in one of its parent classes, impl::DerivedWrapper<T,binning_analysis_tag,B>.

The method impl::DerivedWrapper<T,binning_analysis_tag,B>::autocorrelation() calls detail::autocorrelation_impl(arg), where arg is taken from its m_data field; the latter is a protected member of type A inherited from detail::foundation_wrapper<A>. The free templated function detail::autocorrelation_impl<A>(const A& acc) calls autocorrelation(acc) (or throws if meta-predicate has_feature<A, binning_analysis_tag> is false). The autocorrelation(acc) simply calls acc.autocorrelation().

Adding serialization (save/load) capabilities.

The class has to implement several concepts (the info is taken from and from looking at ALPSCore code). The following template specializations must be defined for the type T (in alps::hdf5 namespace):

  • Metafunction scalar_type<T>
  • Meta-predicate has_complex_elements<T>
  • Meta-predicate is_continuous<T>
  • Function void save<T>( alps::hdf5::archive& ar, std::string const& path, const T& value, std::vector<std::size_t> size = std::vector<size_t>(), std::vector<std::size_t> chunk = std::vector<size_t>(), std::vector<std::size_t> offset = std::vector<size_t>())
  • Function void load<T>( alps::hdf5::archive& ar, std::string const& path, T & value, std::vector<std::size_t> chunk = std::vector<size_t>(), std::vector<std::size_t> offset = std::vector<size_t>())

in alps::hdf5::detail namespace, template specializations with static apply() method:

  • std::vector<std::size_t> get_extent<T>::apply(const T& value)
  • void set_extent<T>::apply(T& value, const std::vector<std::size_t>& extent)
  • bool is_vectorizable<T>::apply(const T& value)
  • some_pointer_type get_pointer<T>::apply(T& value)
  • some_const_pointer_type get_pointer<const T>::apply(const T& value)

This is a mess --- this is documented poorly.

save() ultimately calls alps::hdf5::archive::write<U>(path, const U* val_addr, size_vec, chunk_vec, offset_vec) which is defined only for native HDF5 types U. Therefore, get_pointer<custom_type>() should return a native type pointer.

True-valued is_continuous<T> apparently means that if we have this::
T* array_of_values=new T[N]; U* ptr=get_pointer<T>::apply(array_of_values);

then ptr points to a continuous area of data associated with array_of_values.

What to do with it?

We can introduce "intrusive" save() and load(). It works, as long as no name is assigned when saving (as in ar[""]<<value). This is because, e.g., feature= mean_tag expects that the mean value is "data" (not "datagroup"!) and is of the type hdf5::scalar_type<mean_type>::type, and also either scalar (according to boost::is_scalar) or get_extent(T()).size() returns the number of dimensions associated with the HDF5 data (T is the datatype held in the accumulator).

Another requirement is that accumulators::accumulator_set::register_serializable_type<raw_acc_type>() must be called (once! before loading!), where raw_acc_type is the "raw accumulator type" holding T.

It is still a mess: when loading, each of the registered accumulator types are tried in turn, until the first one capable of reading this data is found. That results in double accumulator thinking that it can read my custom_type accumulator, the double -holding accumulator being constructed, and a failure when the double accumulator is converted to custom_type.

Proposed solution: each registered type should announce an attribute value that will be saved with the data; the loader should match the attribute with the corresponding accumulator reader. It looks like a not so big extension of can_load() method.

So, how does it work? wrapper_set<W>, where W is accumulator_wrapper or results_wrapper, contains std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<detail::serializable_type<W> > > m_types member: a vector of shared pointers to detail::serializable_type<W>. The latter is an abstract class, from which detail::serializable_type_impl<W,A> is derived, where A is a raw accumulator type (the template parameter of the accumulators::accumulator_set::register_serializable_type<A>() above). The abstract class defines the following interface:

  • std::size_t rank() const : returns the "rank" of the loader; higher ranks are tried first. The default implementation behavior is to call A::rank(), which returns 1 for the count-accumulator, and B::rank()+1 for all other raw accumulators.
  • bool can_load(hdf5::archive&) const : returns whether this type can be loaded. Default implementation: returns A::can_load().
  • W* create(hdf5::archive&) const : returns a pointer to a newly-created object on a heap. Default implementation: return new W(A()); that is, creates a new wrapper initialized with default-constructed raw accumulator.

The register_serializable_type() function inserts the new serializable type in the vector (m_types above) according to the rank, maintaining the vector sorted in descending order (higher ranks first).

So, for a user-defined type T, i can either expand the default implementation, or substitute it with another, specialized for each A<T>. How would the alternative implementation look?

To load an accumulator, i still need to have a simple data (vector or scalar) written in HDF5. This implementation allows for customized accumulator (type A) reading, while i rather need a customize data type (type T) reading!

Let's introduce a bool can_load(hdf5::archive& ar, const std::string& name, size_t dim) as a trait for T. (Is there already something like that? Does not look like.) This will not work, because tau/data is an array of dimension 1 more than the saved data: it cannot be (naturally) generalized to an arbitrary data. OTOH, i can explicitly save/load a vector of general values --- why not?

So, do i need to extend the archive concepts to introduce can_load()?

For now, let's just have can_load() that checks name, datatype, dimensionality (0 means check whether the type T and the saved type are both scalars or both not).

mean value: (the tested type T is actually mean_type).
  1. Is data.
  2. Contains the datatype of the hdf5-scalar type.
  3. If T is boost-scalar, then data is scalar
  4. If T is not boost-scalar, then data is not scalar and has dimensions of get_extent(T()).size().

So, the call should be: trait<T>::can_load(ar,name,boost::is_scalar<T>.value?0:get_extent(T()).size()).

Now the trait is coded and used. It has to be specialized for custom_type, and has to work for the array of custom_type too.

When i am trying to save a vector of custom_type, the traits like get_extent<T> and get_pointer<T> are called, rather than save()/load(). How to prevent this? How does std::vector saves its elements?

It is enough to declare the type as non-continuous and non-vectorizable; then save() or load() will be called element-wise. However, it would break MPI functionality!

A compromise variant: the type can be declared non-continuous and non-vectorizable, but content continuous --- will not work: it breaks when MPI is used for a vector of custom_type.

I was wrong about semantics of is_continuous<T>: it returns true if an array of T is continuous data.

How does hdf5::archive::read(string path, T* val, vector<size_t> chunk, vector<size_t> offset) work?

  1. vector<size_t> data_size=extent(path): sets the data_size vector to the extent of the saved data, which is:
  • For non-existing data: {0}
  • For scalars: {1}
  • For N-dim non-scalars: {0, ..., 0} (of length N), which then apparently gets filled with the actual dimensions of the data or attribute path.
  1. Verify that the number of elements in data_size (that is, the dimensionality of the data) is the same as the number of elements in chunk and offset.

  2. For each dimension i, data_size[i] should be not less than chunk[i]+offset[i].

  3. String type, then each native type, are tried in order: 1. Length is a multiple of chunk array elements. 2. Raw array of the corresponding length is allocated. 3. If chunks (that is, chunk array elements) are all the same

    as data dimensions (that is, data_size array elements), the data is read into the raw array;

    1. Otherwise: 1. A hyperslab is selected, with each dimension i

      starting at offset[i] and having chunk[i] elements.

      1. A "file dataspace" is created based on the hyperslab.
      2. A "memory dataspace" is created of dimensions from chunk array.
      3. The file dataspace is read into raw array described by the memory dataspace.
      4. In other words, a slab (a multi-dimensional sub-array) is cut out from the file data; the dimensions (sizes) of the slab are given by chunk[], and the offsets (positions) in the data structure in the file are given by offset.
    2. The raw array is cast to the return value.

By implementing get_extent and save()/load() properly we made the saving/loading of the custom type and vectors of custom type work.

A saved value or vector of custom type looks exactly like any other scalar or vector in HDF5; to be precise, my_custom_type<T> looks like a one-dimensional one-element vector of T. How to distinguish the custom type values? For example, setting an attribute c++_type with value my_custom_type. A loader can verify the attribute and the type of the data entity (using bool hdf5::archive::is_datatype<T>(string path)) and decide whether the data is loadable.

Because it (falsely) appears to be perfectly fine to read my custom type into a vector of any type, load attempts for accumulators should begin with the custom type and only then try regular types.

Tests for proper accumulator statistics.

The errorbars (and correlation lengths) returned by binning accumulators depends on the data generators, and differ widely from non-binned estimators in cases of non-uniformly-distributed data. How to (easily) introduce accumulator-specific errorbar verifiers?

One option, little bit verbose, is to ask to supply a predicate functor: it will be given the errorbar as argument, and should return true if the errorbar is acceptable, false otherwise.

Another option is to subclass the test class, declare a separate test set, and code an errorbar tester explicitly --- and this is what i did.

Accumulator printing.

I want something like this: cout << fullprint(acc). That is, fullprint(acc) should return something which is printable: e.g., detail::accumulator_print_proxy. Possible, but impractical for now.

Even now there is an output operator in max_num_binning.hpp that streams out the bins using detail::max_num_binning_proxy<C, M> (with C being the type for number of elements, vector<M> being the type of the vector of bins). Meta-function max_num_binning_type<T> returns the type with C=``count_type<T>::type``, M=``mean_type<T>::type``. This type is returned by method Accumulator<T, max_num_binning_tag, B>::max_num_binning(), which is called by fullprint() method.

Okay. So, we want to be able to say cout << res.shortprint() or cout << res.fullprint() (and, probably, prohibit the direct printing of the results --- at least for now). Obviously, shortprint() and fullprint() should return an object x of a streamable/printable type, let's call it print_proxy<A>. I see the following options:

  • The type is std::string. Simplest, although presumably not the cheapest. I do not see any other drawbacks, and i do not believe that printing is performance-critical in our applications.
  • The object x should hold a const-reference to T and should have an out-stream operator calling T::print(); the print() should also be parametrized. This is easy to break (e.g., by passing x out of scope of the object being printed), but cheap, convenient enough, and will break rarely (but loudly).
  • The object x is out-streamable and contains the copy of the info to be printed, such as mean, errorbar and the vector of bins. I do not see many advantages: it may presumably be cheaper than just returning a string (not necessarily so: the (shortened) string representation of a long vector is certainly smaller than the vector itself!), and it is additional coding for every new type of printing anyway.

Maybe shortprint() and fullprint() are then not good names: they should rather be methods than free functions (arguable) and they are more like to_short_string() and to_long_string(). In other words, it is a method std::string to_string(bool terse=true).

Side note: according to Scott Meyers, the functions that access only public class members should better be made friends than members --- from the point of view of encapsulation. However, this string conversion might access private data and has to be virtual --- so, we are making it a member functions.

On the other hand, conversion to string will be mostly done with the sole intention of printing. So, instead of to_string(bool terse) it is better to have print(ostream& s, bool terse=false). Then printing will be done as before, calling print(stream,false) (or, in the future, will use the flags of the stream to decide terseness), and to_string(bool terse=true) will be calling print(strstream,true).

For the reason of uniformity of the interfaces, both print() and to_string() should be defined in accumulator_wrapper, result_wrapper, as well as in individual Accumulator<...> and Result<...> classes (and therefore in

Yet another thought: we do not need to_string() for now. And it is enough to define detail::printable_type short_print() as a free function overloads, which can take accumulator_wrapper or result_wrapper and return some implementation-defined printable object (std::string for now, possibly some proxy object in future).

Works for now.

Merging accumulators.

To make it finally work, i need "universal summation": vectors,vectors of vectors... etc. It is possible (i made a sample program). However, we need to figure out what defined in ALPSCore in terms of what.

boost_array_functions.hpp: Defines numeric::operator+= and the like for boost::array. Not relevant.

functional.hpp: defines classes numeric::plus<T,U,R> and numeric::plus<T,T,T> and the like in terms of boost::numeric::operators::operator+ (and the like), which presumably do element-wise vector operations. Some of them are using alps::numeric::operator+ instead! (commit 66ba01bd).

vector_functions.hpp: defines operator+= and the like, originally in terms of std::plus and the like. We should rewrite them in terms of numeric::plus.

Problem: accumulators have different number of bins. We need a "merge" operation on vectors, with resizing the smaller vector to the larger one. How would we do it?

Basically, it is "OP-EQ" operation. If the left vector is smaller::

if (lsz<rsz) left.resize(rsz);
left += right;

However, if the right vector is smaller, the operation becomes more involved. We need either to copy (and then discard) the right vector before resizing, or just introduce a special "merge"::

if (lsz<rsz) left.resize(rsz); // now left is at least as big as right
std::transform(right.begin(), right.end(),

Looks like working.

Next problem: Half-finished merge of max_num_binning accumulator, which does nothing except calling the merge of its base class (which is binning_analysis accumulator), passes the test. We need a better merge test!

Getting rid of boost::mpi

First, all occurrences of alps::mpi are renamed to alps::alps_mpi. Then all occurrences of boost::mpi are renamed to alps::mpi. It seems like most non-trivial boost::mpi::reduce() invocations are already taken care of, with 2 exceptions which were converted similar to existing instances, into direct calls to MPI_Reduce() (this part has been already done once, during MPI debugging, so i just lifted the code from there). What is left are:

  • Interface with MPI_Op
  • Implementation of all_reduce() (possibly can be emulated, temporarily, by reduce() followed by broadcast())
  • Implementation of all_gather()
  • Broadcast of non-trivial object (params, in our case)

Long story short, it seems to work, as of 2/16/2015. Some "FIXME"s are to be fixed:

  • all_reduce() is implemented as reduce() followed by broadcast. We need to do it properly, which require generalization of serialization.
  • reduce() function is in alps::alps_mpi --- it should be moved to alps::mpi.
  • Generally, we do not have to follow boost::mpi interface, especially considered it is implemented only partially!

Python interface.

The python code is a separate library now. It needs access to the ALPS code, and also it may use some ALPSCore CMake scripts. (?)

The "legacy" code needs boost::python. I would like the new code to work without it --- if it's practical.

The task of the python library is:

  1. Make ALPSCore callable from Python; for example, call MC simulation or save/load some data to/from HDF5 files in ALPSCore format.
  2. Possibly, make Python callable from ALPSCore. For example, provide MC update and measurement functions written in Python.
  3. Construct ALPSCore objects from Python data: for example, generate an alps::params object from Python dict.
  4. Construct Python objects from ALPSCore data: for example, extract mean and error bar from ALPSCore accumulator.

What interfaces are seemed to be provided as of now?

  1. Interface to HDF5 archive. Writing and reading Python and NumPy data, creating groups. (File src/pyhdf5.cpp, module pyhdf5_c). The only one that has some tests.
  2. Interface to MC simulation.
  3. Interface to ALPSCore RNG, with saving and loading.
  4. Interface to MC API (what is it for?)

Also, half-finished interface to construct parameters from dictionary.

It makes sense to build interface to parameters (which will likely not use boost::python) and other interfaces separately. That means it may be better to build them all separately (they probably do not depend on each other in the first place). Each module in its own directory?

As of now, the interface to parameters does not create any modules (might do so in future, though), but provides some headers. It is supposed to be called from C++, from inside a C++-implemented python module.

The other interfaces, which are C++-implemented python modules, do not provide any headers for general use (but create modules, naturally).

There is no need to put non-exported header files in include/ directories: they can be in the same directories as their sources.

On the other hand: it is better to have at least exported header to be fully qualified (<alps/python/some_mod/some_file.hpp> or <alps/python/some_mod.hpp>) when installed and used by other packages, to avoid name clashes. Because the same headers are often used not-yet-installed by "sibling" modules, the headers are better be in the fully-qualified directories from the beginning. Moreover, a header may migrate from being "internal"/unexported to external/exported --- do we really want to change all references to it? So, let's just not install unexported/"internal" headers, but let them reside at the same directories? On the other hand, we may very well want to know that certain header is used internally only, without examining the CMakeLists. So, let's have unexported headers in the source directories, and exported headers and fully-qualified directories. In other words, the headers which are used only by sources and not by exported headers can reside in source directories.

Unit testing works. Interface with archive mostly works. The use of interfaces to MC and MC API is not clear to me.

Interface to alps::params

For this all we need is to convert a Python dictionary to an STL map. Also, Python list-like objects must be converted to STL vectors (recursively?). For primitive types and strings, boost::variant is a good container. For lists, should it be a vector of variants or a variant that includes a vector? I think, the former (otherwise, how can we implement recursive structures?). On the other hand, the consumer of these data (alps::params) does not care about lists of lists or lists of multitype elements; so, let's stick with variant of scalars and vectors.

We may need "wrapped python object" to not bother about manual reference counting.

Another problem: what looked like functions from Python.h turned out to be macros; so, PyObject -to-C conversion had to be redesigned to wrap the macros into "callable" classes (which also may have improved performance, by inlining those macros).

I wrote C++ code (not using Boost) and Python script to test the pyobject conversion; but now we need a way to declare a python module code that does not need Boost.

While writing a test for the interface, i ran into the following...

Problem: We now have the C++ source and header implementing the interface. What form of the distribution are we to use? In other words, how is the user of the library to find it?

A possible answer is that it is installed as a shared object in the same (or similar) directories as ALPSCore, and is found the same way --- via CMake package mechanism. Is it how a Python module writer expects it to be found? Why not --- it is how she finds ALPSCore itself.

CMake improvements.

Static vs Dynamic builds

"We generate static libraries" is a different statement from "we link everything statically". We can introduce:

  • ALPS_BUILD_SHARED: makes ALPSCore produce shared libraries by setting BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to ON in cache. Mutually exclusive with ALPS_BUILD_STATIC.
  • ALPS_BUILD_STATIC: makes ALPSCore produce static libraries by setting BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to OFF in cache, and requesting static versions of Boost and HDF5. Mutually exclusive with ALPS_BUILD_SHARED.
  • If both ALPS_BUILD_SHARED and ALPS_BUILD_STATIC are set to OFF, then no special request is done when requesting packages, and the libraries are generated as specified by BUILD_SHARED_LIBS.
  • A separate option ALPS_BUILD_PIC, if ON, requests building PIC code.

alps::params improvements.

Detection of undefined parameters.

See issues #124 and #195 on GitHub. How to report the undefined parameters better?

As we now have an iterator for this purpose, let's make a function which prints out all undefined parameter names. (Done!)

Disappearing ini-file problem (issue #248)

Currently, the INI file (and the command line) is re-read and re-parsed on the first parameter access that happened after a call that invalidates the cached state (most often, define<>()). This results in an unexpected behavior if the file "disappeared" meantime (e.g., was removed, or current directory was changed, or it's a slave MPI process trying to use a broadcast-constructed parameters object).

The correct/expected broadcast semantics is to be dealt with together with serialization.

For now, let us "suck in" the content of the INI file, in the form of a long string formed by joining a vector of strings from "unregistered options" list. As a side-effect, it will initiate a pre-parsing of the INI file at parameter object construction. When re-parsing the INI file, instead of reading the file stream, read the string as a string stream.

In more details: If it is a valid HDF5 file, it should not be parsed as INI. If hdf5path is NULL, it should not be loaded. This effectively ignores a valid HDF5 file if the caller of the constructor does not know the path in the HDF5.

Test needed: can we define new parameters if the file is loaded from archive? Subtests: newly-defined parameters residing in the file, in the "old" command line, in the "new" command line. This situation is different from when parameters are "defined" before the archiving, but re-assigned via the command line.

The command-line parameters that were not ``define()``d are archived, but are cleared by command-line constructor. The command line is primarily for overriding the INI file arguments, not for setting the arguments from scratch.

Serialization of parameters

Test needed: serialize object with implicitly-defined (explicitly assigned) parameters, flag parameters present, flag parameters absent, existing but missing parameters.

Test needed: serialize if there is already a group, data or attribute with the name?

Boost libraries removal

Libraries are:
  • filesystem
  • chrono
  • system
  • program_options

Removing filesystem first. (In the following, namespace fs=boost::filesystem is implied for brevity).

Unused functions in utilities/src/os.cpp, the file is removed.

Other places: filename_operations.cpp:

remove_extensions() get_basename() get_dirname()

gtest_par_xml_output.cpp: to find the file extension.


fs::exists() -- in most cases is not needed or can be avoided. fs::copy_file() fs::remove() -- has usual C semantics of std::remove fs::rename() -- has usual C semantics of std::rename

Argument to hdf5::archive constructor and other methods; functions that use archive often also use boost::filesystem::path.

Some tests, mostly fs::remove() and fs::is_regular_file() with fs::exists(). Both, i believe, are useless.

In utilities/cast.hpp there are conversion templates from fs::path.

Let's keep things in alps::filesystem.

Do we have to check for errors and how? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Probably, in the end we have to use our own wrappers, with additional argument specifying whether we are interested in error reporting.

Custom scheduler (issue #222)

The Schedule_Checker concept should have the following:

  • Constructor (with T_min and T_max parameters?)
  • bool pending() : returns true if a completion checking is due.
  • void update(double fraction) : informs the schedule checker about the actual fraction completed.

What about stop_callback()? It is of type boost::function<bool ()> (that is, compatible with bool stop_callback()). It is called during the run cycle and if returns true the simulation must be stopped "early" (based, e.g., on elapsed time and/or raised signals). By the way, the default implementation of stop_callback() is collective.

In the simplest case, bool stop_callback() may return false.

The Schedule_Checker concept is a template parameter for the alps::mcmpiadapter class.

Bug fixing.

Issue 198: occasional crashes on collecting results.

See the issue #198 on GitHub: sometimes two processes generate different amount of data and th eMPI merge (collecting the results, reducing over MPI) fails. The problem boils down to the fact that alps::hdf5::is_vectorizable() returns false for non-rectangular arrays. The most straightforward solution is to "rectangularize" the arrays before reducing. However, there may be a few more catches.

Does reduce() exhibit the expected behavior? Let's define that the matrix is a vector of rows, each row is a vector of columns (so that the addressing is natural, mtx[row][col]). Our particular matrix is a collection of bins; that is, the number of rows is the number of bins, and each row contains a vector value that forms the columns.

  • Reducing 2 matrices of the same size: works as expected.
  • Reducing 2 matrices with the same number of rows, different number of non-empty columns: failed at MPI level ("message truncated"). It is an unlikely situation in our case, because all vector data is supposed to have the same vector size.
  • Reducing 2 matrices with the same number of columns, different number of non-empty rows (that is, 2 data sets with different number of bins): failed at MPI level ("message truncated").
  • Reducing a matrix having rows of a different size: failed because the matrix is not rectangular.

What is the reason for the original failure? Different number of bins in different chains. The number of bins is made the same before reduction (by finding the max number of bins across all chains, then applying resize() to the vector of bins). However, the vector length of each bin is NOT made the same: resize() creates 0-size rows. (See binning_analysis.hpp:355).

Issue 210: Binary op between Results of different kind

Attempt to do this:::

using namespace alps::accumulators; accumulator_set aset; // Different accumulators! aset << NoBinningAccumulator<double>("left")

<< MeanAccumulator<double>("right");

aset["left"] << 1.; aset["left"] << 1.;

aset["right"] << 1.; aset["right"] << 1.;

result_set rset(aset); const result_wrapper& left=rset["left"]; const result_wrapper& right=rset["right"];

result_wrapper r=left+right; // Exception here!! double xmean=r.mean<double>();

results in bad_cast exception. The location of the exception is base_wrapper<T>::extract<A>(), and is likely related to the fact that SomeWrapper<Base> and SomeWrapper<Derived> are not related even if Base and Derived are.

Can we work around this? For example, can we extract the corresponding "raw" Result from the result_wrapper, and then cast it to the most-derived common superclass? Possible: A& result_wrapper::extract<A>() is for that, see above. Then, how to wrap the raw Result back to the result_wrapper? Possible: result_wrapper can be constructed from the raw result. This scheme seems to work!

So, how can we do it? We need to cast the result to a different named accumulator, like cast<FROM,TO>(). Something like this::

aset << MeanAccumulator<double>("left")
     << NoBinningAccumulator<double>("right");
// ...
result_set rset(aset);
const result_wrapper& right=
const result_wrapper& right=

It is inconvenient in that we have to remember what accumulator type is being held in the wrapper, but may be an acceptable workaround.