diff --git a/scripts/graphic.js b/scripts/graphic.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ac72892..0000000
--- a/scripts/graphic.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-const frame = {
- height: 1200,
- width: 1200
-const name_params = {
- left: 254.86,
- top: 87.9,
- width: 800,
- height: 254.86,
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontFamily: 'Shadows Into Light',
- fontSize: 100,
- fill:'white',
- fontWeight: 'bold'
-const reason_params = {
- top:699.81,
- left: 63.43,
- height: 240,
- width: 1060,
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontFamily: 'Shadows Into Light',
- fontSize:100,
- fill: 'white',
- fontWeight: 'bold'
-const how_params = {
- top: 441.47,
- left: 218.15,
- width: 760.52,
- height: 129.93,
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontFamily: 'Shadows Into Light',
- fontSize: 100,
- fill: 'white',
- fontWeight: 'bold'
-var canvas = null;
-var fabric_frame = null;
-var name = null;
-var name_text = null;
-var reason = null;
-var reason_text = null;
-var how = null;
-var how_text = null;
-var voted = null;
-window.onload = async function() {
- name = sessionStorage.getItem('name');
- reason = sessionStorage.getItem('reason');
- how = sessionStorage.getItem('how');
- voted = sessionStorage.getItem('voted');
- if (name == null || reason == null || how == null) {
- alert("You haven't filled out the proper fields in the form. You will be redirected to the main page.");
- $(location).attr('href','index.html');
- } else {
- canvas = new fabric.StaticCanvas('c');
- var frame = document.getElementById('frame');
- if (voted == 'true') {
- frame.src = 'images/IVoted.png';
- name_params.left = 271.69;
- name_params.top = 54.29;
- name_params.width = 763.41;
- name_params.height = 123.82;
- document.getElementById('test-name').style.width = "763.41 px";
- reason_params.left = 47.58;
- reason_params.top = 700.82;
- reason_params.width = 1105.44;
- reason_params.height = 242.84;
- document.getElementById('test-reason').style.width = "1105.44 px";
- }
- fabric_frame = new fabric.Image(frame);
- canvas.sendToBack(fabric_frame);
- document.fonts.load('100pt Shadows Into Light').then(async function() {
- if (voted == 'true') {
- frame.onload = function() {
- insertText();
- generateGraphic();
- }
- } else {
- insertText();
- generateGraphic();
- }
- })
- .catch(error => console.log('Font error:', error));
- }
-function insertText() {
- var testReason = document.getElementById('test-reason');
- testReason.innerHTML = reason;
- var testHeight = (testReason.clientHeight + 1);
- var testName = document.getElementById('test-name');
- testName.innerHTML = name;
- var testHeight2 = (testName.clientHeight + 1);
- var currentReasonHeight = reason_params.height;
- var currentNameHeight = name_params.height;
- if (testHeight > reason_params.height) {
- reason_params.fontSize = (100 / testHeight) * currentReasonHeight;
- }
- if (testHeight2 > name_params.height) {
- name_params.fontSize = (100 / testHeight2) * currentNameHeight;
- }
- name_text = new fabric.Textbox(name, name_params);
- reason_text = new fabric.Textbox(reason, reason_params);
- if (voted == 'true') {
- how_text = new fabric.Textbox(how, how_params);
- canvas.add(how_text);
- }
- canvas.add(name_text);
- canvas.add(reason_text);
-function generateGraphic() {
- let imgURL = canvas.toDataURL();
- $('#pledge-graphic').attr('src',imgURL);
- $('#download').attr('href', imgURL);
diff --git a/scripts/main.js b/scripts/main.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6938917..0000000
--- a/scripts/main.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-// intializing
-$('document').ready(function() {
- openingAnimation();
- // responsiveness for opening headers and form sections that can become too tall
- $(window).resize(function() {
- if (window.innerWidth > 700) {
- $('#voice-header').css('left','23%');
- $('#vote-header').css('left','35%');
- $('#hope-header').css('left','47%');
- } else {
- $('#voice-header').css('left','19.7%');
- $('#vote-header').css('left','22.42%');
- $('#hope-header').css('left','23.7%');
- }
- if ($('#sec-reason').css('height') < $('#reason-card').css('height')) {
- $('#sec-reason').css('height', $('#reason-card').css('height'));
- $('#sec-reason').css('margin-bottom', '1em');
- } else if ($('#sec-name').css('height') < $('#name-card').css('height')) {
- $('#sec-name').css('height', $('#name-card').css('height'));
- $('#sec-name').css('padding-bottom', '1em');
- }
- })
- /* ---------------- LISTENERS FOR BUTTONS AND INPUTS ---------------------------- */
- // responsiveness for reason section, when it first appears
- $('#next-1').click(function() {
- if ($('#sec-reason').css('height') < $('#reason-card').css('height')) {
- $('#sec-reason').css('height', $('#reason-card').css('height'));
- $('#sec-reason').css('margin-bottom', '1em');
- }
- })
- // click begin
- $('#begin').click(function() {
- $('#initial-display-box').hide();
- $('.container').show();
- $('.container').animate({
- opacity:1
- }, 850);
- $('#header').css('background','var(--strong-blue)');
- })
- // enable "other" field
- $('input[id="other-reason"]').change(function() {
- if ($(this).prop('checked')) {
- $('#other-input').show();
- $('#other-input').removeAttr('disabled');
- } else {
- $('#other-input').attr('disabled', 'true');
- }
- })
- // check if name and zip fields are filled out
- $('#first-name, #last-name, #zip').keyup(function() {
- if ($('#first-name').val() != '' && $('#last-name').val() != '' && $('#zip').val() != '') {
- $('#next-1').removeAttr('disabled');
- } else {
- $('#next-1').attr('disabled','true');
- }
- });
- $('#voted').change(function() {
- if ($(this).prop('checked')) {
- $('#voted-label').addClass('chosen');
- $('#im-voting').html("I voted for Jaime Harrison");
- $('#because').html("I voted for Jaime because...");
- $('#i-pledge').html("I voted...");
- $('#remind').html("How can we thank you?");
- } else {
- $('#voted-label').removeClass('chosen');
- $('#im-voting').html("I'm voting for Jaime Harrison");
- $('#because').html("I'm voting for Jaime because...");
- $('#i-pledge').html("I pledge to vote...");
- $('#remind').html("How can we remind you?");
- }
- })
- // check if reason fields are filled out
- $("input[name='custom-3694']").change(function() {
- if ($(this).attr('id') != 'other-reason') {
- $('#other-input').hide();
- $('#other-input').prop('disabled',true);
- }
- if ($("input[name='custom-3694']:checked").val()) {
- $('#next-2').removeAttr('disabled');
- } else {
- $('#next-2').attr('disabled', 'true')
- };
- });
- // enable next for vote method buttons
- $("input[name='custom-3695']").change(function() {
- if ($("input[name='custom-3695']:checked").val()) {
- $('#next-3').removeAttr('disabled');
- } else {
- $('#next-3').attr('disabled', 'true')
- };
- });
- // handling radio button functionality for labels
- $('label[name="reason-label"]').click(function() {
- checkedReason($(this));
- })
- $('label[name="how-label"]').click(function() {
- checkedHow($(this));
- })
- /* ---------------- MISCELLANEOUS LISTENERS ---------------------------- */
- // preventing return button from submitting form
- $('form input').keydown(function (e) {
- if (e.keyCode == 13) {
- e.preventDefault();
- return false;
- }
- });
- // checking if the device is mobile, choosing whether to show download help
- if ($(window).width() < 500) {
- $('#download').click(function() {
- $('#download-help').css('display','flex');
- })
- $('#download-help').click(function() {
- $(this).css('display','none');
- })
- }
- /* ---------------- HANDLING SUBMIT ---------------------------- */
- // on submit
- $('button[type="submit"]').click(async function() {
- if (!checkZip($('#zip').val())) {
- $('html,body').animate({
- scrollTop: $('#sec-name').offset().top
- }, 1400);
- return false;
- } else if (!checkEmail()) {
- alert('Please enter a valid email address.');
- return false;
- } else if (!checkPhone()) {
- alert('Please enter a valid phone number.');
- return false;
- } else if (checkFields()) {
- setStorage();
- console.log($('#voted').val());
- $('#loading').css('display','flex');
- // await sendData();
- goShare();
- } else {
- alert('Please fill out all the required fields.');
- }
- })
-/* ------------- VALIDATION FUNCTIONS ----------------- */
-function checkPhone() {
- if (!$('#phone').val()) {
- return true;
- } else {
- const re = /^\d{10}$/;
- return ($('#phone').val().toLowerCase()).match(re)
- }
-function checkEmail() {
- const re = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
- return ($('#email-address').val().toLowerCase()).match(re);
-function checkZip(zip) {
- if (zip < 29001 || zip > 29945 || isNaN(zip)) {
- alert("Please enter a valid South Carolina zip code");
- return false;
- } else return true;
-function checkFields() {
- return !(!$('#email-address').val() || !$('input[name="custom-3695"]').val() || !$('input[name="custom-3694"]').val() || !$('#first-name').val() || !$('#last-name').val() || !$('#zip').val())
-/* ----------------- DYNAMIC ELEMENT FUNCTIONS --------------------- */
-function next(next, checkbox) {
- if (next == '#sec-reason') {
- if (checkZip($('#zip').val())) {
- $(next).css('display','flex');
- $(checkbox).show();
- $('html,body').animate({
- scrollTop: $(next).offset().top
- }, 1400);
- } else {
- return
- }
- }
- $(next).css('display','flex');
- $(checkbox).show();
- $('html,body').animate({
- scrollTop: $(next).offset().top
- }, 1400);
-function checkedReason(label) {
- $('label[name="reason-label"]').removeClass('chosen');
- label.addClass('chosen');
-function checkedHow(label) {
- $('label[name="how-label"]').removeClass('chosen');
- label.addClass('chosen');
-function openingAnimation() {
- var width = window.innerWidth;
- var height = window.innerHeight;
- var voice_left = '23%';
- var vote_left = '35%';
- var hope_left = '47%';
- if (width < 700) {
- voice_left = '19.7%';
- vote_left = '22.42%';
- hope_left = '23.7%';
- }
- $('#voice-header').animate({
- top:'15%',
- left: voice_left
- }, 300, function() {
- $('#voice').animate({
- fontSize: '120%'
- }, 170, function() {
- $('#voice').animate({
- fontSize: '100%'
- }, 170, function() {
- $('#vote-header').animate({
- left: vote_left,
- }, 550, function() {
- $('#vote').animate({
- fontSize: '120%'
- }, 170, function() {
- $('#vote').animate({
- fontSize: '100%'
- }, 170, function() {
- $('#hope-header').animate({
- top:'45%',
- left: hope_left
- }, 650 , function() {
- $('#hope').animate({
- fontSize:'120%'
- }, 170, function() {
- $(this).animate({
- fontSize: '100%'
- }, 170, function() {
- $('#state-outline').animate({
- opacity:1
- }, 400 , function() {
- $('#begin').animate({
- opacity:1
- }, 500);
- $('#begin').removeAttr('disabled');
- })
- })
- })
- })
- })
- })
- })
- })
- })
- });
-/* ------------ SUBMIT FUNCTIONS -- */
-function goShare() {
- $(location).attr('href','share.html');
-function setStorage() {
- var reason = $('input[name="custom-3694"]:checked').val();
- if (reason == 'other') {
- $('input[name="custom-3694"]:checked').val($('#other-input').val());
- }
- sessionStorage.setItem('name', $('#first-name').val() + ' ' + $('#last-name').val());
- sessionStorage.setItem('reason', $('input[name="custom-3694"]:checked').val());
- sessionStorage.setItem('how', $('input[name="custom-3695"]:checked').val());
- if ($('#voted').prop('checked')) {
- sessionStorage.setItem('voted', 'true');
- } else {
- $('#voted').val('false');
- sessionStorage.setItem('voted', 'false');
- }
-// function sendData() {
-// var data = new FormData(document.getElementById('visible-form'));
-// for (var pair of data.entries()) {
-// console.log(pair[0] + ', ' + pair[1]);
-// }
-// return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
-// fetch('example.example', {
-// method: 'POST',
-// mode: 'cors',
-// body: data
-// })
-// .then(response => response.json())
-// .then(data => {
-// console.log('Success:', data);
-// resolve(data);
-// })
-// .catch(error => {
-// alert('Whoops! Something went wrong. Please try again.');
-// $('#loading').hide();
-// console.log('Error:', error);
-// reject(error);
-// })
-// })
-// }