- Common Static Analysis Issue Remediation
- Automatically Fix Checkstyle Violations
- Migrate to Java 11 from Java 8
- Migrate to JUnit 5 from JUnit 4
- Migrate to Spring Boot 2 from Spring Boot 1
- Migrate to Quarkus 2 from Quarkus 1
- Migrate to Micronaut 3 from Micronaut 2
- Migrate to SLF4J from Log4j
- Use SLF4J Parameterized Logging
- Writing a Java Refactoring Recipe
- Modifying Methods with JavaTemplate
- Refactoring with Declarative YAML Recipes
- Automating Maven Dependency Management
- Running Rewrite without build tool plugins
- Writing recipes over multiple source file types
- Latest versions of every OpenRewrite module
- Maven Plugin Configuration
- Gradle Plugin Configuration
- JsonPath and JsonPathMatcher Reference
- Declarative YAML Format
- Method Patterns
- Dependency Version Selectors
- Recipes
- Gradle
- Hcl
- Java
- Add ASLv2 license header
- Add license header
- Add or update annotation attribute
- Change method access level
- Change method name
- Change method target to static
- Change method target to variable
- Change static field access to static method access
- Change type
- Delete method argument
- Generating an asciidoc report
- Order imports
- Remove annotation
- Remove interface implementations
- Remove static import
- Remove unused imports
- Rename package name
- Reorder method arguments
- Replace constant with literal value
- Simplify a call chain
- Update source positions
- Use static import
- Cleanup
- Add missing @Override to overriding and implementing methods
- Add serialVersionUID to a Serializable class when missing
- Atomic Boolean, Integer, and Long equality checks compare their values
- BigDecimal rounding constants to RoundingMode enums
- Boolean checks should not be inverted
- CaseInsensitive comparisons do not alter case
- Catch clause should do more than just rethrow
- Change StringBuilder and StringBuffer character constructor arg to String
- Code cleanup
- Common static analysis issues
- Control flow statement indentation
- Covariant equals
- Default comes last
- Equals avoids null
- Explicit initialization
- Externalizable classes have no-arguments constructor
- Fall through
- Fields in a Serializable class should either be transient or serializable
- Finalize classes with private constructors
- Finalize local variables
- Fix missing braces
- Hidden field
- Hide utility class constructor
- Jump statements should not be redundant
- Method name casing
- Method parameter padding
- Modifier order
- Multiple variable declarations
- Nested enums are not static
- No C-style array declarations
- No double brace initialization
- No primitive wrappers for #toString() or #compareTo(..)
- No whitespace after
- No whitespace before
- Operator wrapping
- Pad empty for loop components
- Prefer while over for loops
- Redundant file creation
- Reformat local variable names to camelCase
- Remove Nullable and CheckForNull annotations from primitives
- Remove empty blocks
- Remove extra semicolons
- Remove finalize() method
- Remove unnecessary parentheses
- Remove unused local variables
- Remove unused private methods
- Rename methods named hashcode, equal, or tostring.
- Replace duplicate String literals
- Simplify boolean expression
- Simplify boolean return
- Simplify lambda blocks to expressions
- Static methods not final
- Typecast parenthesis padding
- Unnecessary String#toString()
- Unnecessary String#valueOf(..)
- Unnecessary close in try-with-resources
- Unnecessary explicit type arguments
- Unnecessary throws
- Use Collection interfaces
- Use Collections#emptyList(), emptyMap(), and emptySet()
- Use Collections#isEmpty() instead of comparing size()
- Use String.equals() on String literals
- Use comparison rather than equality checks in for conditions
- Use diamond operator
- Use explicit types on lambda arguments
- Use indexOf(String, int)
- Use lambdas where possible
- Use primitive wrapper valueOf method
- Write octal values as decimal
- finalize() calls super
- for loop counters incremented in update
- for loop counters should use postfix operators
- indexOf should not compare greater than zero
- indexOf() replaceable by contains()
- switch statements should have at least 3 case clauses
- Format
- JHipster
- Logging
- Micronaut
- Add @Introspected to classes requiring a map representation
- Change factory method return types to reflect their resolved return type
- Convert OncePerRequestServerFilter extensions to HttpServerFilter
- Copy non-inherited annotations from super class
- De-capitalize BeanIntrospection getProperty(..) and getRequiredProperty(..) name arguments
- Fix deprecated no-arg ExceptionHandler constructors
- Migrate from Micronaut 2.x to 3.x
- Provider implementation beans to Micronaut @Factory
- Upgrade gradle.properties Micronaut version
- Upgrade micronaut.version Maven property
- Modernize
- Add JDeprScan Maven Plug-in
- Add Maven Jar Plugin to suppress Illegal Reflection Warnings
- Migrate Java 8 to Java 11
- Migrate deprecated javax packages to jakarta
- Migrate deprecated javax.activation packages to jakarta.activation
- Migrate deprecated javax.annotation packages to jakarta.annotation
- Migrate deprecated javax.annotation packages to jakarta.annotation
- Migrate deprecated javax.annotation packages to jakarta.annotation
- Migrate deprecated javax.annotation.security packages to jakarta.annotation.security
- Migrate deprecated javax.annotation.sql packages to jakarta.annotation.sql
- Migrate deprecated javax.batch packages to jakarta.batch
- Migrate deprecated javax.inject packages to jakarta.inject
- Migrate deprecated javax.transaction packages to jakarta.transaction
- Migrate deprecated javax.validation packages to jakarta.validation
- Migrate deprecated javax.xml.bind packages to jakarta.xml.bind
- Migrate deprecated javax.xml.ws packages to jakarta.xml.ws
- Apache
- Guava
- Construct a set from a new ConcurrentHashMap<>() instead of Guava
- Prefer Char#compare
- Prefer Integer#compare
- Prefer Integer#compareUnsigned
- Prefer Integer#divideUnsigned
- Prefer Integer#parseUnsignedInt
- Prefer Integer#remainderUnsigned
- Prefer Long#compare
- Prefer Long#compareUnsigned
- Prefer Long#divideUnsigned
- Prefer Long#parseUnsignedInt
- Prefer Long#remainderUnsigned
- Prefer Math#addExact
- Prefer Math#multiplyExact
- Prefer Math#subtractExact
- Prefer Short#compare
- Prefer java.util.Collections#synchronizedNavigableMap
- Prefer java.util.Collections#unmodifiableNavigableMap
- Prefer java.util.Objects#equals
- Prefer java.util.Objects#hash
- Prefer java.util.function.Function
- Prefer java.util.function.Predicate
- Prefer java.util.function.Supplier
- Use Files#createTempDirectory() instead of Guava
- Use Java SDK instead of MoreExecutors#directExecutor()
- Use Java standard library instead of Guava
- Use List.of(..) in Java 9 or higher
- Use Map.of(..) in Java 9 or higher
- Use Set.of(..) in Java 9 or higher
- Use new ArrayList<>() instead of Guava
- Use new AtomicReference<>() instead of Guava
- Use new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>() instead of Guava
- Use new HashSet<>() instead of Guava
- Use new LinkedHashMap<>() instead of Guava
- Use new LinkedHashSet<>() instead of Guava
- Use new LinkedList<>() instead of Guava
- Metrics
- java.lang APIs
- Migrate deprecated java.lang APIs
- Use Character#isJavaIdentifierPart(char)
- Use Character#isJavaIdentifierStart(char)
- Use Character#isWhitespace(char)
- Use Class#getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance()
- Use ClassLoader#defineClass(String, byte[], int, int)
- Use Map.of(..) where possible
- Use Runtime.Version#feature()
- Use Runtime.Version#interim()
- Use Runtime.Version#update()
- Use SecurityManager#checkMulticast(InetAddress)
- java.net APIs
- Migrate deprecated java.net APIs
- Use java.net.HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR
- Use java.net.MulticastSocket#getTimeToLive()
- Use java.net.MulticastSocket#setTimeToLive(int)
- Use java.net.URLDecoder#decode(String, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
- Use java.net.URLEncoder#encode(String, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
- java.sql APIs
- java.util.concurrent APIs
- Migrate deprecated java.util.concurrent APIs
- Use AtomicBoolean#weakCompareAndSetPlain(boolean, boolean)
- Use AtomicInteger#weakCompareAndSetPlain(int, int)
- Use AtomicIntegerArray#weakCompareAndSetPlain(int, int, int)
- Use AtomicLong#weakCompareAndSetPlain(long, long)
- Use AtomicLongArray#weakCompareAndSetPlain(int, long, long)
- Use AtomicReference#weakCompareAndSetPlain(T, T)
- Use AtomicReferenceArray#weakCompareAndSetPlain(int, T, T)
- java.util.logging APIs
- javax APIs
- Add JAX-WS run-time dependency to a Maven project
- Add JAXB run-time dependency to a Maven project
- Add explicit Inject dependencies
- Add explicit JAX-WS dependencies
- Add explicit JAXB dependencies
- Migrate deprecated javax.lang.model.util APIs in openjdk.
- Migrate deprecated javax.management.monitor APIs
- Migrate deprecated javax.xml.stream APIs
- Replace javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api with jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api
- Replace javax.xml.ws:jaxws-api with jakarta.xml.ws:jakarta.xml.ws-api
- Use AbstractAnnotationValueVisitor9
- Use AbstractElementVisitor9
- Use AbstractTypeVisitor9
- Use CounterMonitor#setInitThreshold(java.lang.Number)
- Use ElementKindVisitor9
- Use ElementScanner9
- Use SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor9
- Use SimpleElementVisitor9
- Use SimpleTypeVisitor9
- Use TypeKindVisitor9
- Use javax.xml.stream.XMLEventFactory#newFactory(String, ClassLoader)
- Use javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory#newFactory(String, ClassLoader)
- Use javax.xml.stream.XMLOutputFactory#newFactory(String, ClassLoader)
- Quarkus
- Search
- Find annotations
- Find empty classes
- Find fields
- Find fields of type
- Find method usages
- Find missing type information on Java ASTs
- Find plain text secrets
- Find text
- Find types
- Find uses of deprecated classes
- Find uses of deprecated classes
- Find uses of deprecated fields
- Find uses of deprecated methods
- Result of method call ignored
- Security
- Spring
- Expand Spring YAML properties
- Normalize Spring YAML properties to kebab-case
- Remove @RequestMapping annotations
- Remove implicit web annotation names
- Remove public from @Bean methods
- Remove the @Autowired annotation on inferred constructor
- Separate application YAML by profile
- Update the API manifest
- Spring Boot 2.x
- Adds @DependsOnDatabaseInitialization to Spring Beans and Components depending on javax.sql.DataSour
- JUnit Jupiter for Spring Boot 2.x projects
- Merge Spring bootstrap.yml with application.yml
- Migrate @OutputCaptureRule to @ExtendWith(OutputCaptureExtension.class)
- Migrate RestTemplateBuilder
- Migrate Spring Boot properties to 2.0
- Migrate Spring Boot properties to 2.1
- Migrate Spring Boot properties to 2.2
- Migrate Spring Boot properties to 2.3
- Migrate Spring Boot properties to 2.4
- Migrate Spring Boot properties to 2.5
- Migrate additional Spring Boot properties to 2.0
- Migrate additional Spring Boot properties to 2.5
- Migrate deprecated Spring-Boot EmbeddedDatabaseConnection.HSQL
- Migrate flyway and liquibase credentials.
- Migrate multi-condition @ConditionalOnBean annotations
- Migrate to recommended constants in LogbackLoggingSystemProperties from deprecated values in Logging
- Remove @SpringExtension
- Remove obsolete Spring JUnit runners
- Remove unnecessary Spring @RunWith
- Replace EnvironmentTestUtils with TestPropertyValues
- Spring Boot 2.x best practices
- Spring Boot 2.x migration from Spring Boot 1.x
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.0 from 1.x
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.1
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.2
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.3
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.4
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.5
- Use DiskSpaceHealthIndicator(File, DataSize)
- Use EnableConfigurationProperties#VALIDATOR_BEAN_NAME
- Use EntityManagerFactoryDependsOnPostProcessor
- Use ErrorAttributes#getErrorAttributes(WebRequest, ErrorAttributeOptions)
- Use ErrorController
- Use ErrorProperties#IncludeStacktrace.ON_PARAM
- Use HttpMessageConverters
- Use MultipartConfigFactory with DataSize arguments
- Use NotBlank
- Use NotEmpty
- Use PingHealthIndicator
- Use RestClientBuilderCustomizer
- Use RestTemplateBuilder#basicAuthentication
- Use RestTemplateBuilder#setConnectTimeout(Duration) and RestTemplateBuilder#setReadTimeout(Duration)
- Use SpringBootServletInitializer
- Use WebTestClientBuilderCustomizer
- Use isEagerFilterInit()
- Use org.springframework.boot.web.server.LocalServerPort
- Use setEagerFilterInit(boolean)
- Use spring-boot.run.agents configuration key in spring-boot-maven-plugin
- Search
- Applications using logging shutdown hooks
- Find projects affected by changes to the default error view message attribute
- In Spring Boot 2.5 a DefaultConfigurationCustomizer can now be used in favour of defining one or mor
- Integration Sceduler Pool Size
- Spring Boot 2.5 upgrades plus any possible manual changes that need to be reviewed.
- Spring Data
- Spring Framework
- Convert InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessorAdapter to SmartInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor
- Migrate deprecated Spring-Web UTF8 MediaTypes
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.1
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.2
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.3
- Use Environment#acceptsProfiles(Profiles)
- Use ObjectUtils#isEmpty(Object)
- Use varargs equivalents for deprecated JdbcTemplate signatures
- Testing
- AssertJ
- AssertJ best practices
- JUnit AssertThrows to AssertJ exceptionType
- JUnit assertArrayEquals To AssertJ
- JUnit assertEquals to AssertJ
- JUnit assertFalse to AssertJ
- JUnit assertNotEquals to AssertJ
- JUnit assertNotNull to AssertJ
- JUnit assertNull to AssertJ
- JUnit assertSame to AssertJ
- JUnit assertTrue to AssertJ
- JUnit fail to AssertJ
- Migrate JUnit asserts to AssertJ
- Statically import AssertJ's assertThat
- Cleanup
- Hamcrest
- JUnit Jupiter
- Cleanup JUnit imports
- JUnit 4 @RunWith to JUnit Jupiter @ExtendWith
- JUnit 4 @RunWith(Parameterized.class) to JUnit Jupiter parameterized tests
- JUnit 4 ExpectedException To JUnit Jupiter's assertThrows()
- JUnit 4 MockitoJUnit to JUnit Jupiter MockitoExtension
- JUnit Jupiter best practices
- JUnit Jupiter migration from JUnit 4.x
- JUnit TestName @Rule to JUnit Jupiter TestInfo
- JUnit4 @Category to JUnit Jupiter @Tag
- JUnit4 Assert To JUnit Jupiter Assertions
- Migrate JUnit 4 @Test annotations to JUnit5
- Migrate JUnit 4 TestCase to JUnit Jupiter
- Migrate JUnit 4 lifecycle annotations to JUnit Jupiter
- Migrate from JUnit4 @FixedMethodOrder to JUnit5 @TestMethodOrder
- Pragmatists @RunWith(JUnitParamsRunner.class) to JUnit Jupiter Parameterized Tests
- Remove JUnit 4 @RunWith annotations that do not require an @ExtendsWith replacement
- Statically import JUnit Jupiter assertions
- Use JUnit Jupiter @Disabled
- Use JUnit Jupiter @TempDir
- Use MatcherAssert#assertThat(..)
- Use Mockito JUnit Jupiter extension
- Use wiremock extension
- okhttp3 3.x MockWebserver @Rule To 4.x MockWebServer
- Mockito
- AssertJ
- Maven
- Add Maven dependency
- Add Maven plugin
- Add Maven plugin dependencies
- Change Maven Parent Pom
- Change Maven dependency groupId and artifactId
- Change Maven dependency scope
- Change Maven plugin configuration
- Change Maven plugin dependencies
- Change Maven plugin executions
- Change Maven project property value
- Exclude Maven dependency
- Manage dependencies
- Order POM elements
- Remove Maven dependency
- Remove Maven plugin
- Remove Maven project property
- Remove exclusion
- Remove redundant explicit dependency versions
- Set Maven project packaging
- Upgrade Maven dependency version
- Upgrade Maven parent project version
- Upgrade Maven plugin version
- Cleanup
- Search
- Properties
- CircleCI
- Concourse
- Github Actions
- Kubernetes
- Add Kubernetes configuration
- Ensure CPU limits are set
- Ensure CPU request is set
- Ensure image pull policy is Always
- Ensure lifecycle rule on StorageBucket
- Ensure liveness probe is configured
- Ensure memory limits are set
- Ensure memory request is set
- Ensure readiness probe is configured
- Kubernetes best practices
- Limit root capabilities in a container
- No host IPC sharing
- No host network sharing
- No host process ID sharing
- No privilege escalation
- No privileged containers
- No root containers
- Read-only root filesystem
- Update image name
- Resource
- Search
- Services
- Terraform
- Add Terraform configuration
- Use a long enough byte length for random resources
- Best practices for AWS
- Disable Instance Metadata Service version 1
- Enable API gateway caching
- Enable point-in-time recovery for DynamoDB
- Encrypt Aurora clusters
- Encrypt CodeBuild projects
- Encrypt DAX storage at rest
- Encrypt DocumentDB storage
- Encrypt EBS snapshots
- Encrypt EBS volume launch configurations
- Encrypt EBS volumes
- Encrypt EFS Volumes in ECS Task Definitions in transit
- Encrypt ElastiCache Redis at rest
- Encrypt ElastiCache Redis in transit
- Encrypt Neptune storage
- Encrypt RDS clusters
- Encrypt Redshift storage at rest
- Ensure AWS CMK rotation is enabled
- Ensure AWS EFS with encryption for data at rest is enabled
- Ensure AWS EKS cluster endpoint access is publicly disabled
- Ensure AWS Elasticsearch domain encryption for data at rest is enabled
- Ensure AWS Elasticsearch domains have EnforceHTTPS enabled
- Ensure AWS Elasticsearch has node-to-node encryption enabled
- Ensure AWS IAM password policy has a minimum of 14 characters
- Ensure AWS Lambda function is configured for function-level concurrent execution limit
- Ensure AWS Lambda functions have tracing enabled
- Ensure AWS RDS database instance is not publicly accessible
- Ensure AWS S3 object versioning is enabled
- Ensure Amazon EKS control plane logging enabled for all log types
- Ensure CloudTrail log file validation is enabled
- Ensure EC2 is EBS optimized
- Ensure ECR repositories are encrypted
- Ensure IAM password policy expires passwords within 90 days or less
- Ensure IAM password policy prevents password reuse
- Ensure IAM password policy requires at least one lowercase letter
- Ensure IAM password policy requires at least one number
- Ensure IAM password policy requires at least one symbol
- Ensure IAM password policy requires at least one uppercase letter
- Ensure Kinesis Stream is securely encrypted
- Ensure RDS database has IAM authentication enabled
- Ensure RDS instances have Multi-AZ enabled
- Ensure VPC subnets do not assign public IP by default
- Ensure data stored in an S3 bucket is securely encrypted at rest
- Ensure detailed monitoring for EC2 instances is enabled
- Ensure enhanced monitoring for Amazon RDS instances is enabled
- Ensure respective logs of Amazon RDS are enabled
- Ensure the S3 bucket has access logging enabled
- Make ECR tags immutable
- Scan images pushed to ECR
- Use HTTPS for Cloudfront distribution
- Azure
- Best practices for Azure
- Disable Kubernetes dashboard
- Enable Azure Storage Account Trusted Microsoft Services access
- Enable Azure Storage secure transfer required
- Enable geo-redundant backups on PostgreSQL server
- Encrypt Azure VM data disk with ADE/CMK
- Ensure AKS policies add-on
- Ensure AKV secrets have an expiration date set
- Ensure Azure App Service Web app redirects HTTP to HTTPS
- Ensure Azure Network Watcher NSG flow logs retention is greater than 90 days
- Ensure Azure PostgreSQL database server with SSL connection is enabled
- Ensure Azure SQL Server threat detection alerts are enabled for all threat types
- Ensure Azure SQL server audit log retention is greater than 90 days
- Ensure Azure SQL server send alerts to field value is set
- Ensure Azure application gateway has WAF enabled
- Ensure Azure key vault is recoverable
- Ensure FTP Deployments are disabled
- Ensure MSSQL servers have email service and co-administrators enabled
- Ensure MySQL is using the latest version of TLS encryption
- Ensure MySQL server databases have Enforce SSL connection enabled
- Ensure MySQL server disables public network access
- Ensure MySQL server enables Threat Detection policy
- Ensure MySQL server enables geo-redundant backups
- Ensure PostgreSQL server disables public network access
- Ensure PostgreSQL server enables Threat Detection policy
- Ensure PostgreSQL server enables infrastructure encryption
- Ensure Send email notification for high severity alerts is enabled
- Ensure Send email notification for high severity alerts to admins is enabled
- Ensure Web App has incoming client certificates enabled
- Ensure Web App uses the latest version of HTTP
- Ensure Web App uses the latest version of TLS encryption
- Ensure a security contact phone number is present
- Ensure activity log retention is set to 365 days or greater
- Ensure all keys have an expiration date
- Ensure app service enables HTTP logging
- Ensure app service enables detailed error messages
- Ensure app service enables failed request tracing
- Ensure app services use Azure files
- Ensure key vault allows firewall rules settings
- Ensure key vault enables purge protection
- Ensure key vault key is backed by HSM
- Ensure key vault secrets have content_type set
- Ensure log profile is configured to capture all activities
- Ensure managed identity provider is enabled for app services
- Ensure public network access enabled is set to False for mySQL servers
- Ensure standard pricing tier is selected
- Ensure storage account uses latest TLS version
- Ensure the storage container storing activity logs is not publicly accessible
- Set Azure Storage Account default network access to deny
- Best practices for GCP
- Enable PodSecurityPolicy controller on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters
- Enable VPC Flow Logs for subnetworks
- Enable VPC flow logs and intranode visibility
- Ensure GCP Kubernetes cluster node auto-repair configuration is enabled
- Ensure GCP Kubernetes engine clusters have legacy compute engine metadata endpoints disabled
- Ensure GCP VM instances have block project-wide SSH keys feature enabled
- Ensure GCP cloud storage bucket with uniform bucket-level access are enabled
- Ensure IP forwarding on instances is disabled
- Ensure binary authorization is used
- Ensure compute instances launch with shielded VM enabled
- Ensure private cluster is enabled when creating Kubernetes clusters
- Ensure secure boot for shielded GKE nodes is enabled
- Ensure shielded GKE nodes are enabled
- Ensure the GKE metadata server is enabled
- Search