This Telegram Moderator Bot is capable of adding moderators to Telegram supergroups. Regular groups and channels are not supported.
- Talk to the @BotFather and create a bot on Telegram.
- Deploy the using the tutorial at
- Invite your bot to your Telegram supergroup.
- Make your bot Full Administrator on the supergroup. It looks like this:
Moderators are supergroup administrators with some modified privileges. Moderators can delete a message and pin a message using the built-in GUI functionality. No other usual admin functions are necessary (or encouraged) for moderators. It is explicitly forbidden to give a moderator the "Ban users" and "Add new Admins" privileges. These privileges would allow them to have power over other moderators.
Apart from the mentioned administrative privileges, moderators can issue the /ban @username
command to the Telegram Bot
to ban a regular member of the supergroup. Moderators can unban users using the /unban @username
(The user has to rejoin the group after unbanning.)
Moderators can write up a user with the /warn @username
command. After two warnings the user gets banned.
Administrators have more privileges than moderators. For the Telegram bot, any administrator with the "Add new Admins"
privilege is considered a "Full" administrator. The creator of the supergroup is also considered a Full administrator.
Full administrators can issue the /promote @username
and /demote @username
commands to appoint new moderators
or remove current moderators.
The bot will only "know" a user if the user has sent at least one message on the supergroup.
This means that to promote a user to moderator status, the user has to at least say "Hi" on the supergroup.
A nice welcome message. It only works if you're a moderator or administrator so you can check your privileges.
Lists moderators.
/warn @username
Issues a warning for the user. After two warnings the bot bans the user.
Multiple names can be added using space as a separator.
/ban @username
Ban a user. Use the GUI to quickly pinpoint the user and fill in the right username. Administrators and other moderators cannot be banned.
Multiple names can be added using space as a separator.
/unban @username
Removes the user from the banned list and resets its warning counter. Does not add the user back in the supergroup.
Multiple names can be added using space as a separator.
/promote @username
Give a regular user moderator privileges. Current moderators and administrators will be unaffected.
Multiple names can be added using space as a separator.
/demote @username
Take away administrative privileges from a moderator. The creator user or full administrators (administrators with the "Add new Admins" privilege) will be unaffected.
Multiple names can be added using space as a separator.