An Arkanoid and Pong mashup built in Phaser 3 for learning purposes. The project is built using Typescript.
- Particle explosion on rectangle destroy.
- Calculate a score (+X points for destroying a brick / -Y if ball goes out of screen)
- Spawn a concurrent HUD scene
- Increment score on brick collision
- Decrement score on ball miss
- Build a HUD using a concurrent scene, using some mechanism to share state between them.
- Implement second player IA (just follow ball on first release)
- Deploy so it can be accessed
- Use an object pool to spawn multiple balls.
- Add pause menu
- Think how to open a pause menu on mobile
- Rethink how the bricks appear
- Randomize initial obstacles, leaving some empty spaces
- Make bricks spawn again every once in a while
- Solve "infinite game" thingy
- Limit ball misses before ending game
- Time trial mode
- Add sound
- Add background music
- Add sound on brick collision
- Add dramatic sound on ball miss
- Implement online multiplayer.
- Graphical overhaul