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A multi-line, resizable text field.



import { TextArea } from '@folio/stripes/components';

const [description, setDescription] = useState('');

  onChange={e => setDescription(}

With react-final-form:

import { Field } from 'react-final-form';
import { TextArea } from '@folio/stripes/components';



Property Type Description Default Required
ariaLabel string Provides a custom label for the element
Deprecated, use aria-label instead
ariaLabelledby string Identify the element which labels the current element
Deprecated, use aria-labelledby instead
autoFocus boolean If the field should auto-focus on mount
dirty boolean Marks the field as changed, for styling
disabled boolean Disables the input field
endControl node Control or Icon to display at the end of the field
error node An error to show for validation
fitContent boolean Resizes the textarea to show all content as needed
fullWidth boolean If the field should stretch to fill its container
id string Adds a custom ID to the control
inputRef ref Ref to the internal HTMLTextArea
isCursorAtEnd boolean Place the cursor at the end of the field value
label node The input's label
loading boolean Adds a loading spinner to the control
lockWidth boolean Prevent the user from changing the width
marginBottom0 boolean Remove bottom margin
name string The input's name
newLineOnShiftEnter boolean When true: Shift+Enter=newline, Enter=submit
When false: whatever the default behavior is
noBorder boolean Removes the border
onChange func Fired anytime internal state changes
onKeyDown func Fired on key down
onSubmitSearch func Event handler for submission, fired when newLineOnShiftEnter=true and user presses Enter
onFocus func Fired when the user clicks into the control
readOnly boolean If the control is readonly
required boolean If the field is required
rootClass string Adds a custom class to the root wrapper <div>
startControl node Control or Icon to display at the start of the field
valid boolean If true, adds valid styles to the field
validationEnabled boolean If validation styles should be rendered
validStylesEnabled boolean If styles should be shown for valid input
value string The field's value
warning node Inline feedback for the user indicating a validation warning

Additional props are spread onto the <textarea>.