Despite Augmented Reality being in the phase of Disilliousment according to the Gartner Hype Cycle, AR is becoming more and more popular among artists, developers, and business. This talk will introduce and explore the future ShapeDetection Browser API, including coding a live Snapchat-like Filter Service!
Augmented Reality (AR) is on the rise, with live AR apps like Snapchat or Pokémon Go that are used by hundreds of millions of Users. With rising popularity, it also becomes more and more important for developers to have at least some experience with AR. And since we are in the age of frameworks where there are dozens of frameworks for each and everything, I thought: Why not act against the trend and implement AR using good old Plain Vanilla JS? Luckily, there happens to already be a beta Shape&Face Detection API that got released by the W3C earlier this year.
In this talk, I will introduce attendees to the Shape Detection API, go through some examples of AR in Web Development and also showcase a live face-filter service!
- Discuss the rise of AR and its possible use cases in the web
- Introduce and Explore the Shape Detection API
- Discuss the technologies behind facial recognition and other augmented reality tools
- Showcase the implementation of a Face Detection and Face-Filter application in Vanilla JavaScript and live-code some tweaks to it
- 3 minutes intro
- 8 minutes demo
- 15 minutes discussion of what AR is & go through the new Shape Detection API
- 5 minutes walking through code
- (Remaining time on where to learn more + Q&A)