diff --git a/app_dart/docs/fusion_schduler.md b/app_dart/docs/fusion_schduler.md
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index 000000000..f56785a4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app_dart/docs/fusion_schduler.md
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+# Scheduling tasks in a Monorepo
+## Presubmits
+### Pre Monorepo
+Before the monorepo; Cocoon scheduled task for each repository it was 'watching'
+via the GitHub flutter-dashboard app. There is only one required check to pass
+at this point: `ci.yaml validation`. If this validation check fails, then PR
+cannot be submitted, likely signalling a failure in the `.ci.yaml` files or a
+failure in the infrastructure.
+What can be noted here is that anyone with commit access can bypass presubmit
+checks as soon as `ci.yaml validation` completes succesfully - and before any
+actual testing completes. The usage of the `autosubmit` label will wait for all
+checks to pass before merging.
+At a very high level, presubmits looked like:
+github --) +cocoon: pr opened
+note over cocoon: pubsub loop here
+cocoon ->> cocoon: cancel presubmits
+cocoon ->> github: createCheckRun('ci.yaml validation')
+cocoon ->> cocoon: getPresubmitTargets('/.ci/yaml')
+cocoon ->> cocoon: getTriggerList([targets], [filters?])
+cocoon ->> luci: scheduleTryBuilds(filteredTargets)
+loop over targets
+ luci ->> github: createCheckRun(sha,target)
+ luci ->> pubsub: requests.shard(maxShardSize)
+alt all scheduled
+cocoon ->> github: updateCheckRun('ci.yaml validation', success)
+else exception
+cocoon ->> github: updateCheckRun('ci.yaml validation', failure)
+deactivate cocoon
+### Monorepo Scheduling
+There will be multiple `.ci.yaml` files in the repository now that the engine is
+present. Pull requests can contain framework, engine, or both changes. In this
+world: if any parts of the engine are changed, we need to schedule
+**and wait for** all engine builds to be present to test from source. This means
+either `ci.yaml validation` is kept from completing; or another check is
+created that will block progress.
+github --) +cocoon: pr openned
+note over cocoon: pubsub loop here
+cocoon ->> cocoon: cancel presubmits
+cocoon ->> github: createCheckRun('ci.yaml validation')
+alt is engine build
+cocoon ->> cocoon: getEngineBuilds('/engine/src/flutter/.ci/yaml')
+cocoon ->> github: createCheckRun('engine sentinel')
+cocoon ->> luci: scheduleTryBuilds(engineBuilds)
+deactivate cocoon
+note over cocoon: waiting for checkruns, either:
luci presubmit sub or github 'check_run' status update.
+loop signaled engineBuilds.length
+github --) cocoon: check_run action: completed
+activate cocoon
+cocoon -->> github: githubChecksService.allCheckRuns()
+alt all completed successful
+ cocoon ->> github: updateCheckRun('engine sentinel', success)
+ cocoon ->> cocoon: getPresubmitTargets('/.ci/yaml') &&
+ cocoon ->> cocoon: getTriggerList([targets], [filters?])
+ cocoon ->> luci: scheduleTryBuilds(filteredTargets - engineBuilds)
+ loop over targets
+ luci ->> github: createCheckRun(sha,target)
+ luci ->> pubsub: requests.shard(maxShardSize)
+ end
+ alt all scheduled
+ cocoon ->> github: updateCheckRun('ci.yaml validation', success)
+ else exception
+ cocoon ->> github: updateCheckRun('ci.yaml validation', failure)
+ end
+else some failed
+ cocoon ->> github: updateCheckRun('engine sentinel', failure)
+ cocoon ->> github: updateCheckRun('ci.yaml validation', failure)
+deactivate cocoon
+## Postsubmits
+### Merge Queue
+* Schedule all engine builds in the prod pool
+* Wait for them to complete
+* Schedule all tests