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pub package Build Status

Simplified Dart isolates.


  • A Future based API that supports returning data, completion, and handling exceptions
  • Opt-in Bi-directional communication support between Isolate and the outer world


Basic usage

First, install and import this package:

import 'package:simple_isolate/simple_isolate.dart';

Instead of Isolate.spawn, use SimpleIsolate.spawn<T>(entrypoint, argument) to run a function of type Future<T> Function(SIContext ctx) as an isolate entrypoint.

  • The context type SIContext can be used in many cases, which we will cover in examples below.
  • SIContext.argument: gets the argument passed to the entrypoint function.
  • Note the entrypoint function returns a Future<T>, you can return data back to the calling function as long as the data is serializable between isolates.
  • SimpleIsolate.spawn: wrapper around Isolate.spawn, returns a Future<SimpleIsolate<T>>.
  • SimpleIsolate.future: use this to wait for completion or handle exceptions from entrypoint function.
  • SimpleIsolate.core: returns the internal dart [Isolate]

For example, return some data:

var si = await SimpleIsolate.spawn<String>(
  (SIContext ctx) async {
    var result = '';
    // Use `ctx.argument` to get the argument passed to the entrypoint function.
    var to = ctx.argument as int;
    for (var i = 0; i < to; i++) {
      result += '<data chunk $i>';
      await Future<void>.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 500));
    return result;

// Wait for the Isolate function to complete.
// And print out the result.
print(await si.future);
  * <data chunk 0><data chunk 1><data chunk 2>

Error handling

Since it's a Future based API, you can simply wrap the await statement in a try-catch block to handle exceptions:

var si = await SimpleIsolate.spawn<String>(
  (SIContext ctx) async {
    await Future<void>.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 500));
    throw Exception('Oops!');
try {
  print(await si.future);
} catch (err) {
  print('ERROR: $err');
  * ERROR: Exception: Oops!

Send messages from Isolate

Use Context.sendMsg to send a message from isolate to the outer world. A message in simple_isolate is defined as:

class SIMsg {
  final String name;
  final Map<String, dynamic>? params;
  SIMsg(, this.params);

To handle the messages sent from an isolate, use the onMsgReceived params in SimpleIsolate.spawn:

Future<void> sendMessagesFromIsolate() async {
  var si = await SimpleIsolate.spawn<String>(
    (SIContext ctx) async {
      var result = '';
      var to = ctx.argument as int;
      for (var i = 0; i < to; i++) {
        result += '<data chunk $i>';
            'got-data', <String, dynamic>{'index': i, 'currentResult': result});
        await Future<void>.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 500));
      return result;
    onMsgReceived: (msg) {
      switch ( {
        case 'got-data':
            print('MSG> ${msg.params}');

                'Unsupported message ${}, something went wrong in your code.');
  print(await si.future);
   * MSG> {index: 0, currentResult: <data chunk 0>}
   * MSG> {index: 1, currentResult: <data chunk 0><data chunk 1>}
   * MSG> {index: 2, currentResult: <data chunk 0><data chunk 1><data chunk 2>}
   * <data chunk 0><data chunk 1><data chunk 2>

Send messages into Isolate

Call SimpleIsolate.spawn with bidirectional: true to enable bidirectional communication.

To send message back into isolate, use SimpleIsolate.sendMsgToIsolate. And handle those messages with SIContext.onMsgReceivedInIsolate.

**Note that the messages you sent to Isolate may not be handled if your entrypoint function exits too early. Message handling in isolate relies on the internal event loop created in the isolate. If it exits too early (or technically speaking, it exits without needing to wait for next event loop), the isolate exits too and never gets to handle the onMsgReceivedInIsolate. In the example below, we called Future<void>.delayed to make use of the event loop associated with the isolate. **

Future<void> sendMessagesToIsolate() async {
  // Create a [SimpleIsolate] from function of type [Future<String>(int)].
  var si = await SimpleIsolate.spawn<String>(
    (SIContext ctx) async {
      var result = '';
      ctx.onMsgReceivedInIsolate = (msg) {
        switch ( {
          case 'inject':
              result += msg.params?['value'] as String;

                  'Unsupported message ${}, something went wrong in your code.');
      var to = ctx.argument as int;
      for (var i = 0; i < to; i++) {
        result += '<data chunk $i>';
        await Future<void>.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 500));
      return result;
  await si
      .sendMsgToIsolate('inject', <String, dynamic>{'value': '<injected!!!>'});
  print(await si.future);
   * <data chunk 0><injected!!!><data chunk 1><data chunk 2>

Get notified when an isolate is killed

SimpleIsolate.future will throw a SimpleIsolateAbortException when killed.

var si = await SimpleIsolate.spawn<String>(
  (SIContext ctx) async {
    var count = ctx.argument as int;
    var result = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      var data = '<data chunk $i>';
      print('--> Appending data $data');
      result += data;
      await Future<void>.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 500));
    return result;

try {
  await Future.wait<String>([
    // Wait for isolate completion.
    // Kill the isolate after 1 second.
    () async {
      await Future<void>.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
      return Future.value('');
} on SimpleIsolateAbortException catch (_) {
  print('Isolation killed');