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Vagrant box

Olaf Veerman edited this page Jun 19, 2014 · 3 revisions

This page details how you can set up a development environment using a Vagrant box. In case you want to install all the dependencies yourself, please see:


  • Vagrant
  • Virtualbox

Getting started

To boot up vagrant you just need to run vagrant up. This command boots up the virtualbox if it exists. If it doesn't it will be downloaded and all needed software will be installed.

Other commands

  • vagrant suspend - Suspends the virtual machine. Very fast to boot up again. This should be done when no longer working with this virtual machine, or at the end of the day.
  • vagrant ssh - Ssh into the machine.
  • vagrant halt - Shutdown the virtual machine. It will take longer to boot. Useful when the machine is not behaving correctly.
  • vagrant destroy - REMOVES the machine. ALL DATA IS LOST.
  • vagrant up --provision - Re-runs the provisioning installing new software if needed.

Accessing the web server.

The webserver can be accessed through
It gives access to phpmyadmin, genghis, and airwolf.
Vagrant creates a virtual network between the vagrant box and the host, so nobody can directly access the vagrant machine.
However, if you want to access it from outside, there's a port forwarding from 80 (vagrant box) => 8080 (host), so you can access it through your_ip:8080

Vagrant box details

Installed software

  • vim
  • LAMP
  • Mongo

Admin software

  • Phpmyadmin
  • Genghis

Specific software needed by apps.

  • python xlrd
  • php5-xsl
  • phpunit
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