The Airwolf data collection app is built to support the data collection efforts by Text to Change's call center. The application uses the Openrosa Xform standard and relies on Enketo for the webform capabilities. For more information, please see the blog post on
Built using Codeigniter
Daniel da Silva - Github
Ricardo Mestre - Github
Olaf Veerman - Github
Nuno Veloso - Github
To ease development, everything was bundled in a vagrant box. To set it up, simply run vagrant up
from the root of the project. For more details about the Vagrant box and useful commands, check out the instructions in the wiki.
If you want to develop locally without using the vagrant box, check the local development section for the needed dependencies.
These dependencies are needed to build the app no matter whether you use the Vagrant box or manually set up the environment:
- Node & Npm
- Grunt ( $ npm install -g grunt-cli )
- Bower ($ npm install -g bower)
- Sass
- Compass (>= 1.0.0.alpha.19
$ sudo gem install compass -v 1.0.0.alpha.19 --pre
Initialize and update git submodules:
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
Subsequent updates of git submodules must be done without the --init
Install airwolf dependencies:
$ npm install
$ bower install
The enketo library needs to be built:
$ cd assets/libs/enketo-core
$ npm install
$ grunt --force
Patch pyxform library, from the app root folder:
$ git apply --directory=application/third_party/pyxform/ pyxform_validate_and_constants.patch
Build the CSS and Javascript, from the root folder of the app:
$ grunt build
To setup the application go to
if you're using the vagrant box.
This will give you 2 options to setup the application:
- Live
- All the data present in the application will be removed and a user will be added.
- Default credentials: admin | admin
- Development
- All the data present in the application will be replaced with dummy data.
- This data includes surveys in various statuses and several users.
- Administrator: admin | admin
- Moderator: moderator | moderator
- Agent: agent | agent
- User with all roles: all_roles | all_roles
After this setup, change the environment to production on index.php
Grunt is used for the build automation.
$ grunt
Compiles the compass files, javascript and generates the website. The system will watch files and execute tasks whenever one of them changes.
Clean the compiled sass and javascript:
$ grunt clean
Compile the compass files, javascript and generate the website. Use this instead of grunt
if you just want to render it once:
$ grunt build
Compile the compass files and javascripts prepared for production (minified, uglyfied). Every time changes will be pushed to production, this command needs to be run:
$ grunt prod
Testing is done using phpunit. To run the tests you just need to run phpunit
in the app's root folder.
If you're using the Vagrant box environment be sure to do this inside the vagrant machine.