This [[Agora]] is a [[Knowledge Commons]].
If you don't know what the above means (yet), don't fret: it just means it is a space that a community can build by pooling together resources, information, intentions. The Agora tries to integrate user contributions into a useful social (higher level) construct while preserving individual voices.
When you visit an Agora location, you visit a [[node]] in a shared graph -- which depending on usage can mean a topic, a pattern, or just an arbitrarily named location. There you will find all resources that the Agora thinks have a claim to be in that node, either directly by name or indirectly by association. By default all relevant resources will be shown one after the other, but more sophisticated interactions are possible.
If you would like to join this Agora, please refer to [[Agora signup]].
The [[Agora Platform]] you are (likely) reading this in is [[Free Software]]. If you would like to contribute or are interested in running your own Agora, please refer to [[Agora install]] and consider joining [[Flancia Collective]] or reaching out to a member. We are a loose collection of people who [[work in public]] developing this Agora.
Thank you for visiting the Agora. May you be happy!