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Releases: fivetran/dbt_shopify_source

v0.16.0 dbt_shopify_source

18 Feb 16:57
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PR #97 includes the following updates:

Breaking Changes

  • Introduced the inventory_quantity source and the stg_shopify__inventory_quantity model to support downstream inventory quantity tracking. See the documentation for details on the newly added columns.
    • This replaces the deprecated available_quantity column in stg_shopify__inventory_level.


  • Added definitions for inventory_quantity and stg_shopify__inventory_quantity.

Under the Hood

  • Added seed inventory_quantity_data and macro get_inventory_quantity_columns to support the new inventory_quantity source.

Full Changelog: v0.15.0...v0.16.0

v0.15.0 dbt_shopify_source

22 Jan 22:07
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This release includes the following updates:

Under the Hood

  • (Affects Redshift only) Creates new shopify_union_data macro to accommodate Redshift's treatment of empty tables. (PR #95)
    • For each staging model, if the source table is not found in any of your schemas, the package will create a table with one row with null values for Redshift destinations. There will be no change in behavior in non-Redshift warehouses.
    • This is necessary as Redshift will ignore explicit data casts when a table is completely empty and materialize every column as a varchar. This throws errors in downstream transformations in the shopify package. The 1 row will ensure that Redshift will respect the package's datatype casts.


  • Corrected references to connectors and connections in the README. (#94)

Full Changelog: v0.14.0...v0.15.0

v0.14.0 dbt_shopify_source

07 Jan 22:52
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PR #93 includes the following changes:

Breaking Changes

  • Updated for connector changes released on January 6, 2025. See the release notes for more details. Added the following columns to the stg_shopify__* staging tables:

    • inventory_item:
      • duplicate_sku_count
      • harmonized_system_code
      • inventory_history_url
      • legacy_resource_id
      • measurement_id
      • measurement_weight_value
      • measurement_weight_unit
      • is_tracked_editable_locked
      • tracked_editable_reason
      • unit_cost_amount
      • unit_cost_currency_code
    • inventory_level:
      • inventory_level_id
      • can_deactivate
      • created_at
      • deactivation_alert
    • product_variant:
      • is_available_for_sale
      • display_name
      • legacy_resource_id
      • has_components_required
      • sellable_online_quantity
    • product_image:
      • media_id
      • status
      • url
  • For backward compatibility, the following columns were coalesced to combine values from the old column name with the new column name, with the resulting column retaining the new name:

    • inventory_item:
      • The deprecated cost column is coalesced with the new column unit_cost_amount as unit_cost_amount.
    • product_image:
      • The deprecated src column is coalesced with the new column url as url.
  • Marked the following columns as deprecated in the documentation. These columns will return null values following the connector update, and customers should expect this behavior until the columns are fully removed in a future release.

    • inventory_level:
      • available_quantity
    • product_variant:
      • fulfillment_service
      • grams
      • inventory_management
      • requires_shipping
      • weight
      • weight_unit
      • option_*
    • product_image:
      • position
      • created_at
      • updated_at
      • variant_ids

Under the Hood

  • Updated shopify_*_data seed data and get_*_columns macros to include new columns for the following tables:
    • inventory_item
    • inventory_level
    • product_image
    • product_variant
  • Standardized boolean casting by updating get_*_columns to use dbt.type_boolean() for consistency.

Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v0.14.0

v0.13.0 dbt_shopify_source

02 Dec 19:43
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PR #91 includes the following changes:

Breaking Changes

  • Adds enable/disable config for the metadata staging model using the shopify_using_metafield variable (default true).
  • Adds enable/disable config for the abandoned_checkout staging models using the shopify_using_abandoned_checkout variable (default true):
    • stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout
    • stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_discount_code
    • stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_shipping_line
  • For more information on how to enable/disable these tables, refer to the README. This will be a breaking change if you choose to disable these tables.

Under the Hood

  • Updates the index calculation in stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_discount_code by removing the conditional logic for null scenarios now that a disable config has been added to the model.

Full Changelog: v0.12.1...v0.13.0

v0.12.1 dbt_shopify_source

11 Jun 21:31
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🪲 Bug Fixes 🪛

  • Added support for a new delayed fulfillment event status from Shopify. delayed has been added to the accepted_values test on stg_shopify__fulfillment_event (PR #84).
  • Added product_id to the unique combination_of_columns test for the stg_shopify__product_image model (PR #86).


Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.12.1

v0.12.0 dbt_shopify_source

01 May 17:58
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PR #79 introduces the following changes:

🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨

  • To reduce storage, updated default materialization of staging models from tables to views.
    • Note that stg_shopify__metafield will still be materialized as a table for downstream use.

⚠️ Running a --full-refresh will be required if you have previously run these staging models as tables and get the following error:

Trying to create view <model path> but it currently exists as a table. Either drop <model path> manually, or run dbt with `--full-refresh` and dbt will drop it for you.

Under the Hood

  • Updated the maintainer PR template to the current format.
  • Added integration testing pipeline for Databricks SQL Warehouse.

PR #81 introduces the following changes:

🪲 Bug Fixes 🪛

  • Removed the index filter in stg_shopify__order_discount_code, as we were erroneously filtering out multiple discounts for an order since index is meant to pair with order_id as the unique identifier for this source.
  • Added index as a field in stg_shopify__order_discount_code, as it is part of the primary key.

📝 Documentation Updates 📝

  • Added index documentation to our src_shopify.yml and stg_shopify.yml.
  • Updated the unique_combination_of_columns test on stg_shopify__order_discount_code to correctly check on index with order_id and source_relation rather than code.

🔧 Under the Hood 🔩

  • Updated the pull request templates.

Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.12.0

v0.11.0 dbt_shopify_source

06 Mar 19:10
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PR #78 introduces the following changes:

🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨

  • Added source_relation to the partition_by clauses that determine the is_most_recent_record in the stg_shopify__metafield table.
  • Added source_relation to the partition_by clauses that determines the index in the stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_discount_code table.
  • If the user is leveraging the union feature, this could change data values.

🐛 Bug Fixes 🪛

  • Updated partition logic in stg_shopify__metafield and stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_discount_code to account for null table Redshift errors when handling null field cases.

🚘 Under The Hood 🚘

  • Included auto-releaser GitHub Actions workflow to automate future releases.
  • Added additional casting in seed dependencies for above models integration_tests/dbt_project.yml to ensure local testing passed on null cases.

Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.11.0

v0.10.0 dbt_shopify_source

09 Oct 17:02
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🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨

  • This release will be a breaking change due to the removal of below dependencies.

Dependency Updates

Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.10.0

v0.9.0 dbt_shopify_source

28 Jun 19:46
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Breaking Changes

  • In June 2023 the Shopify connector received an update which upgraded the connector to be compatible with the new 2023-04 Shopify API. As a result, the following fields have been removed as they were deprecated in the API upgrade: (PR #70)
model field removed
stg_shopify__customer lifetime_duration
stg_shopify__order_line fulfillment_service
stg_shopify__order_line destination_location_* fields
stg_shopify__order_line origin_location_* fields
stg_shopify__order total_price_usd
stg_shopify__order processing_method

Under the Hood

  • Removed databricks from the shopify_database configuration in the src_shopify.yml to allow Databricks Unity catalog users to define a unity Catalog as a database. (PR #70)

Documentation Updates

  • Documentation provided in the README for how to connect sources when leveraging the union schema/database feature. (PR #70)

Full Changelog: v0.8.3...v0.9.0

v0.8.3 dbt_shopify_source

26 Jun 17:27
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Happy World Refrigeration Day 🧊 ! Did you know Albert Einstein co-invented a refrigerator?

Hopefully you can track more successfully refrigerator orders to your company with the latest updates to the dbt_shopify_source package.

Bug Fixes 🐛 🪛

PR #69 includes the following fixes:

  • Lower casing metafield_reference field in stg_shopify__metafield to fix metafield table breakages upstream when the key field has different casing for otherwise identical strings.
  • Lower casing owner_resource field in stg_shopify__metafield to ensure identical value fields with different casing are then correctly pivoted together upstream in the shopify transformation package get_metafields macro.

Under the Hood:

  • Incorporated the new fivetran_utils.drop_schemas_automation macro into the end of each Buildkite integration test job. (PR #65)
  • Updated the pull request templates. (PR #65)
