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Releases: fivetran/dbt_fivetran_log

Package Updates (Breaking Changes!)

17 Mar 18:49
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A bunch of breaking changes ahead!! 🚨🚨🚨

This new release:

  • Adds double underscores to model names (fivetran_log_connector_status is now fivetran_log__connector_status).
  • Renames the daily API calls model to fivetran_log__connector_daily_events, as it now includes daily metrics regarding record modifications and schema changes.
  • Assumes that Fivetran Log data is provided at the account level and removes functionality for unioning individual destination-level log connectors. This can now be configured in Fivetran's UI.
  • Creates a new fivetran_log__audit_table model that reports on the rows updated, deleted, and inserted/replaced into each table during connector syncs.
  • Creates a new fivetran_log__schema_changelog model that provides details surrounding each connector schema change event.
  • Deprecates the data_sync_status column from the final fivetran_log__connector_status model. Refer to the table's connector_health column.
  • Reverts the renaming of LOG.connector_id. The value of this column was previously erroneously reported as the connector name instead of the ID.
  • Incorporates model disablement variables to handle cases where the TRANSFORMATION and TRIGGER_TABLE tables do not exist.
  • Deprecates the destination_database column. Refer to destination_id and destination_name.
  • Incorporates custom schemas.

minor bug fix

28 Oct 22:29
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This release fixes a minor bug in the fivetran_log_connector_daily_api_calls model. This bug was excluding api calls made on the day that the connector was first set up. This is not a breaking change.

dbt 0.18.0 Compatibility + Bug Fix!

16 Sep 22:54
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The big changes:

  • Updates the package to be compatible with and require dbt 0.18.0. This is a breaking change! 🚨
  • Fixes the bug causing errors if you've never made a Fivetran-orchestrated transformation.

If you are not ready to upgrade to dbt 0.18.0, consider using a previous release of this package. But in that case, if you are still affected by the transformation bug, follow the instructions in the "Additional Configuration" section of this release's README to disable the problematic models.

Initial Release

20 Aug 19:49
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This is the initial release of this package.

This package helps you understand:

  • How you are spending money in Fivetran according to our consumption-based pricing model. We display consumption data at the table, connector, destination, and account levels.
  • How your data is flowing in Fivetran:
    • Connector health and sync statuses
    • Transformation run statuses
    • Daily API calls

Currently the package supports Redshift, BigQuery and Snowflake.