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  • Clone git repo
git clone git clone

Docker Compose

Start session:

cd Retromat
docker-compose up -d

End session:

docker-compose stop

Prepare Database

Obtain the value of MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD from


to login as root.

In the Docker App, click "Open in Browser" on the PHPMyAdmin container or directly go to: http://localhost:8181/

Now you can e.g. create a DB dump on the live system for download ...

[retro2@cordelia ~]$ /usr/bin/mysqldump --defaults-file=/home/retro2/.my.cnf retro2_retromat > retro2_retromat.sql

... OR directly get the output via ssh and write to local disk ...

[local ~]$ ssh [email protected] "/usr/bin/mysqldump --defaults-file=/home/retro2/.my.cnf retro2_retromat" > retro2_retromat.sql

... and import it via PHPMyAdmin:

Locally you need to use the same DB name as specified in .env or .env local, at this point the author prefers to create (and import into) retromat-local-prod to keep it separate from the local DB used for testing.

In the Docker App, click CLI on the mariadb container for command live access to the database.


In the Docker App, click CLI on the retromat-app-php-fpm-1

cd backend
composer install

(if that fails: symfony/flex#836 symfony/flex#890

composer selfupdate
composer update symfony/flex --no-plugins --no-scripts

) Add .env.local to set mysql root PW .

php backend/bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction
php backend/bin/console doctrine:cache:clear-result
php backend/bin/console doctrine:cache:clear-query
php backend/bin/console doctrine:cache:clear-metadata

Run Tests

Initially: Create .env.test.local (e.g. by copying .env.local) with a different DB name. At this point the author prefers to create retromat-local-test

On code change related to the DB (e.g. entities):

php backend/bin/console --env=test doctrine:database:drop --force
php backend/bin/console --env=test doctrine:database:create
php backend/bin/console --env=test doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction

On changes to index.php:


On any change:

php backend/bin/console --env=test cache:clear ; php -d memory_limit=1000M backend/vendor/bin/phpunit -c backend

Known Docker specific issues at this point:

Sometimes running cache:clear is not enough. In these cases this helps:

rm -rf backend/var/cache

All test were green on Travis-CI, before we stopped using it.

BUT: These failed in Docker: App\Tests\Controller\TeamActivityControllerTest::testCreateNewActivityUsesNextFreeRetromatIdFullDb App\Tests\Repository\ActivityRepositoryTest::testFindAllActivitiesForPhases App\Tests\Repository\ActivityRepositoryTest::testFindAllActivitiesForPhasesDe

AND: When sleeping 1 s after loading fixtures into the DB they succeed. WTF? This is on a MBP with M2 CPU and 16 GB RAM, why would it need a delay? Anyway, all tests green again.

Access App via Browser

In the Docker App, click "Open in Browser" on the retromat-httpd container or directly go to: http://localhost:8080/