Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
Hi there! Thanks for your interest to contribute to my bin list! Before doing so, please read the following guidelines.
There’s several ways to contribute, not just by writing code.
Currently the documentation is all in the README, with a simple formatting. If you think any of them can be improved upon, feel free to edit the README and open a pull-request.
Adding help and usage to commands themselves that don't have them is also a great way to help.
Some issues lack information, aren't reproducible, or are just incorrect. Help make them easier to resolve.
We’re always looking for more opinions on discussions in the issue tracker.
Code contributions are very welcome. It’s often good to first create an issue to report a bug or suggest a new feature before creating a pull request to prevent you from doing unnecessary work.
- The issue tracker is for issues
- Search the issue tracker (including closed issues) before opening a new issue
- Ensure you’re using the latest version
- Use a clear and descriptive title
- Include as much information as possible: steps to reproduce the issue, error message, version, operating system, etcetera
- The more time you put into an issue, the more we will
- Don’t include unrelated changes
- If you're not the original author of the binary, please, credit the original author. If you don't know who created it but you know it wasn't you, you may leave it blank. But don't try to pass something as your work if it is not.
- If submitting a new binary, remember to add a descriptive information on how to use the binary to the README