- Implement sneaky throws.
- Add ThrowingRunnable.
- Refactor to use an abstract class as the base.
- ThrowingFunctionalInterface has disappeared: it is now up to the abstract class to chain.
- Introduce Throwing.*() to replace Functions, Comparators etc etc.
- Add new .tryWith() methods.
- Add new ThrowingFunctionalInterface interface; make all interfaces extend it. All interfaces now inherit .orTryWith(), .orThrow() and .fallbackTo() from it.
- Javadoc. Incomplete.
- Rewrite all tests.
- Fix ThrowablesFactory exception handling.
- Add new .wrap() methods.
- Add .orThrow() methods to Throwing* interfaces.
- Add .or{Return*,DoNothing}() methods to Throwing* interfaces.
- First version