From 0d1df917aa1be9fc8b14cb920038d59a1853e6ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MelKori Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2022 20:31:36 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] added README file --- README.adoc | 91 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 91 insertions(+) create mode 100644 README.adoc diff --git a/README.adoc b/README.adoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2dc804 --- /dev/null +++ b/README.adoc @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ += Java Properties + +image:[GitHub] +image:[] +image:[GitHub tag (latest by date)] +image:[GitHub last commit] + + +== Objectives + +This reader for Clojure is a small but powerful library that makes possible to use a regular `.properties` configurations that familiar to every Java programmer in any Clojure project. +No more headaches even if you need to import the configurations from other (not Clojure) project. + +The library has **no dependencies** and written in pure Clojure. + +In contrary to other libraries it not delivers any specific typings or other sugar. + +Mainly intended to hybrid projects, migrations and for use by pure-Java integrations. + +== Usage + +=== Reading the config + +[source, clojure] +---- +(require '[java-properties.core :as jconf]) +;; nil +(def conf-simple (jconf/load-config "test")) +;; conf-simple +;; {:backend {:0 {:enabled true, :bootstrap-servers "", :type "kafka", :name "test"}, :2 {:type "http", :name "weak-connection-api", :method "post"}}, :front {:2 {:0 {:mode some}, :1 {:type ttt}}, :4 {:2 {:type 1, :mode zzz}}}, :core {:test-list a, :journal {:port 26333}}} +(def conf-full (jconf/load-config "test" {:with-arrays true})) +;; conf-full +;; {:backend [{:enabled true, :bootstrap-servers "", :type "kafka", :name "test"} nil {:type "http", :name "weak-connection-api", :method "post"}], :front [nil nil [{:mode some} {:type ttt}] nil [nil nil {:type 1, :mode zzz}]], :core {:test-list a, :journal {:port 26333}}} +(slurp "") +;; " = foo" +(def conf-full-verride (jconf/load-config "test" {:with-arrays true :config "./"})) +;; conf-full-verride +;; {:backend [{:enabled true, :bootstrap-servers "", :type "kafka", :name "test"} nil {:type "http", :name "weak-connection-api", :method "post"}], :front [nil nil [{:mode some} {:type ttt}] nil [nil nil {:type 1, :mode zzz}]], :core {:test-list a, :journal {:port 26333}}, :external {:property {:name foo}}} +---- + +=== Helpers + +The library also contains some handy methods-helpers + +.Pretty formatting +[source, clojure] +---- +(-> conf-full jconf/pretty println) +;; {:backend +;; [{:enabled true, +;; :bootstrap-servers "", +;; :type "kafka", +;; :name "test"} +;; nil +;; {:type "http", :name "weak-connection-api", :method "post"}], +;; :front +;; [nil +;; nil +;; [{:mode some} {:type ttt}] +;; nil +;; [nil nil {:type 1, :mode zzz}]], +;; :core {:test-list a, :journal {:port 26333}}} +;nil +---- + +.Reading date-time into Java +[source, clojure] +---- +(jconf/parse-java-util-date "2012-11-10 09:08:07.006Z") +; #inst "2012-11-10T09:08:07.006-00:00" +---- + +.Parse comma-separated lists +[source, clojure] +---- +(jconf/split-comma-separated "a,b,c , d,e, f g,h") +; ("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f g" "h") +---- + +.Un-kebab +[source, clojure] +---- +(jconf/kebab-conf-to-camelcase {:a-getter-b {:foo "bar"}}) +{:aGetterB {:foo "bar"}} +---- + +== License + +©2022 Fern Flower Lab + +Distributed under the MIT License.