This directory provides a general documentation about Repairnator project.
Repairnator's project aimed at creating a bot to automatically repair failing builds coming from Travis CI. By repairing we mean proposing patches that make the entire test-suite passing on a given build.
Another project, called BEARS, was built as a collaboration and aimed at creating a database of bugs by mining bugs and patches on Travis CI and Github.
We will mostly rely on Repairnator on this documentation.
We use in Repairnator a lot of different IDs or names to identify things. So here a little bit of terminology to help the reader:
- build ID: it's a Travis CI ID for the build of a repository. If you see an URL like this one: then the build ID is
. - Run ID: it's a UUID generated by our own scripts using
UNIX tool to distinguish different Repairnator runs; - Repository name (or slug): unless it's specified if we talk about a repository name, it's the Github slug: for repairnator it's
; - Travis/Github Repository ID: we might sometimes use specific IDs from third-party API like the Travis CI Repository ID we use to blacklist some repository: we explicit the tool in those cases, but not that you may need to interrogate the third-party APIs to retrieve those IDs.
There are several ways to use Repairnator. We tried to document some of them in usage directory.
Contribution on Repairnator are more than welcome! A first way to contribute is to look on the label good-first-issue.
Another way for contributing is to add a new program repair tool in Repairnator: we provided a guide to help us.
As part of using Repairnator, you might need to do some chores, like managing a MongoDB database. We provided some documentation about backups and about MongoDB collection schema.
The following is the list of program repair tools currently supported in Repairnator:
- Nopol
- NPEFix
- Astor
- AssertFixer
For more information about the program repair tools and their strategies implemented in Repairnator, have a look on this page.