Helm is a client CLI used to deploy Kubernetes
applications. It supports templating of configuration files, but also needs a server
component installing called tiller
For more information on using Helm, refer to the Helm's documentation.
You can use this chart to install OpenFaaS to your cluster.
Submission to the main helm chart repository is pending.
- Instructions for latest Helm install
On Linux and Mac/Darwin:
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/helm/master/scripts/get | bash
Or via Homebrew on Mac:
$ brew install kubernetes-helm
- Create RBAC permissions for Tiller
$ kubectl -n kube-system create sa tiller \
&& kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller \
--clusterrole cluster-admin \
- Install the server-side Tiller component on your cluster
$ helm init --skip-refresh --upgrade --service-account tiller
Note: this step installs a server component in your cluster. It can take anywhere between a few seconds to a few minutes to be installed properly. You should see tiller appear on:
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
How to install chart please follow install instructions in chart's readme.