Pure C piecewise jerk path optimizer of Apollo for S-L Planning
Note This project heavily depends on the following open-source repos:
qpSwift Light-weight sparse Quadratic Programming Solver
sparse_matrix_conversion Utilities to convert dense matrix formats to sparse matrix formats and the reverse.
- Matlab quadprog path problem
when changing weighting parameters with the option setting as follows :
w1 = 0.5; % error with DP ST results
w2 = 1; % acc
w3 = 1e2; % jerk
options = optimoptions('quadprog','Display','iter','TolFun',1e-16,'TolCon',1e-16);
[C_new,fval,exitflag,output,lambda] = quadprog(H_final,f_final,A_sample,s_front,Aeq,beq,[],[],[],options);
we get the output:
Solved 3 variables, 3 equality, and 1 inequality constraints during the presolve.
Iter Fval Primal Infeas Dual Infeas Complementarity
0 -4.172134e+03 1.989214e+01 1.579760e+02 7.898798e+01
1 -1.253205e+04 1.607123e+01 1.276317e+02 6.474734e+01
2 -2.026427e+04 2.164002e-01 1.718569e+00 8.938420e-01
3 -2.026665e+04 1.082001e-04 8.592846e-04 4.471063e-04
4 -2.026665e+04 5.410320e-08 4.296423e-07 2.235531e-07
5 -2.026665e+04 2.940276e-11 3.143214e-09 1.117766e-10
6 -2.026665e+04 6.063483e-13 5.005859e-09 5.588828e-14
7 -2.026665e+04 2.980116e-13 4.423782e-09 2.794414e-17
Minimum found that satisfies the constraints.
Optimization completed because the objective function is non-decreasing in
feasible directions, to within the value of the optimality tolerance,
and constraints are satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance.
<stopping criteria details>
fval =
exitflag =
output =
struct with fields:
message: '↵Minimum found that satisfies the constraints.↵↵Optimization completed because the objective function is non-decreasing in ↵feasible directions, to within the value of the optimality tolerance,↵and constraints are satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance.↵↵<stopping criteria details>↵↵Optimization completed: The relative dual feasibility, 1.830248e-19,↵is less than options.OptimalityTolerance = 1.000000e-16, the complementarity measure,↵2.794414e-17, is less than options.OptimalityTolerance, and the relative maximum constraint↵violation, 1.232961e-23, is less than options.ConstraintTolerance = 1.000000e-16.↵↵'
algorithm: 'interior-point-convex'
firstorderopt: 4.4224e-09
constrviolation: 7.4385e-15
iterations: 7
linearsolver: 'dense'
cgiterations: []
With the result:
The solver parameters and the weighting parameters should be carefully examined before using the code!
Grasp the math and design mechanism behind!!!
- Construct a typical QP demo using the sparse_matrix_conversion Tool for creating sparse matrix.
- Construct a typical Piecewise_Jerk_Path QP problem using Matlab quadprog function.
- Construct a typical Piecewise_Jerk_Speed QP problem using Matlab quadprog function.
- Perform piecewise_jerk_path_optimizer task in pure c code.