A set of utilities for locating and working with FSD roots in the file system.
This project is intended for developers of tooling for Feature-Sliced Design.
pnpm add @feature-sliced/filesystem
npm install --save @feature-sliced/filesystem
Type definitions are built in 😎.
function resolveImport(
importedPath: string,
importerPath: string,
tsCompilerOptions: typescript.CompilerOptions,
fileExists: (path: string) => boolean,
directoryExists?: (path: string) => boolean,
): string | null;
Given a file name, an imported path, and a TSConfig object, produce a path to the imported file, relative to TypeScript's baseUrl
// /project/src/pages/home/ui/HomePage.tsx
import { Button } from "~/shared/ui";
// ./tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"moduleResolution": "Bundler",
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"~/*": ["./src/*"]
{ moduleResolution: "Bundler", baseUrl: ".", paths: { "~/*": ["./src/*"] } },
Expected output: /project/src/shared/ui/index.ts
Definitions of important names in FSD.
export const layerSequence: Array<LayerName> = [
export const unslicedLayers = ["shared", "app"];
export const conventionalSegmentNames = ["ui", "api", "lib", "model", "config"];
A set of traversal functions for a simple representation of a file system:
export interface File {
type: "file";
path: string;
export interface Folder {
type: "folder";
path: string;
children: Array<File | Folder>;
export type LayerName =
| "shared"
| "entities"
| "features"
| "widgets"
| "pages"
| "app";
function getLayers(fsdRoot: Folder): Partial<Record<LayerName, Folder>>;
Extract layers from an FSD root. Returns a mapping of layer name to folder object.
function getSlices(
slicedLayer: Folder,
additionalSegmentNames: Array<string> = [],
): Record<string, Folder>;
Extract slices from a sliced layer. Returns a mapping of slice name (potentially containing slashes) to folder object.
A folder is detected as a slice when it has at least one folder/file with a name of a conventional segment (ui
, api
, model
, lib
, config
). If your project contains slices that don't have those segments, you can provide additional segment names.
function getSegments(
sliceOrUnslicedLayer: Folder,
): Record<string, Folder | File>;
Extract segments from a slice or an unsliced layer. Returns a mapping of segment name to folder or file object.
function getAllSlices(
fsdRoot: Folder,
additionalSegmentNames: Array<string> = [],
): Record<string, Folder & { layerName: string }>;
Extract slices from all layers of an FSD root. Returns a mapping of slice name (potentially containing slashes) to folder object, augmented with a layerName
A folder is detected as a slice when it has at least one folder/file with a name of a conventional segment (ui
, api
, model
, lib
, config
). If your project contains slices that don't have those segments, you can provide additional segment names.
function getAllSegments(fsdRoot: Folder): Array<{
segment: Folder | File;
segmentName: string;
sliceName: string | null;
layerName: LayerName;
Extract segments from all slices and layers of an FSD root. Returns a flat array of segments along with their name and location in the FSD root (layer, slice).
Not to be confused with isSlice
, a function that determines if a folder looks like a slice based on the segments that it contains.
export type LayerName =
| "shared"
| "entities"
| "features"
| "widgets"
| "pages"
| "app";
function isSliced(layerOrName: Folder | LayerName): boolean;
Determine if this layer is sliced. You can pass the folder of a layer or the name (lowercase). Only layers Shared and App are not sliced, the rest are.
function getIndexes(fileOrFolder: File | Folder): File[];
Get the index (public API) of a slice or segment. When a segment is a file, it is its own index. When a segment is a folder, it returns an array of index files within that folder. Multiple index files (e.g., index.client.js
, index.server.js
) are supported.
function isIndex(fileOrFolder: File | Folder): boolean;
Determine if a given file or folder is an index file (only files can be indexes, folders are accepted for convenience, but always return false).
Not to be confused with isSliced
, a function that determines if a layer should contain slices according to FSD.
function isSlice(
folder: Folder,
additionalSegmentNames: Array<string> = [],
): boolean;
Determine if this folder is a slice.
Slices are defined as folders that contain at least one segment. Additional segment names can be provided if some slice in project contains only unconventional segments.
function isCrossImportPublicApi(
file: File,
}: { inSlice: string; forSlice: string; layerPath: string },
): boolean;
Check if a given file is a cross-import public API defined in the slice inSlice
for the slice forSlice
on a given layer.
For example:
const file = { path: "./src/entities/user/@x/product.ts", type: "file" };
isCrossImportPublicApi(file, {
inSlice: "user",
forSlice: "product",
layerPath: "./src/entities",
}); // true